Posting an item directly on the folio

Use the Post Item pop-up to post a room rate, package, non-room bundle or non-room item charge to the folio. You can open this pop-up from the following menus:

  • Front Desk > Accounts > Folio.
  • Front Desk > Guest Stay > Folio.

To post a non-room item:

  1. Select Front Desk > Guest Stay > Folio.
  2. Click Post Item.
  3. In the Post Item pop-up, specify the information that you require. See additional details about these fields:
    Specify the item. If the record is a guest stay, the adult and children/child category values are populated from the guest stay. For all other accounts, adults is set to one and children/child categories are set to zero. In case of a guest stay record the Room Type is set to the room type on the guest stay. If the record pertains to other accounts, the room type is not populated.
    Specify the quantity. The quantity is used to indicate the number of times an item is repeated. Thus, the charges are repeated based on quantity. For example, if the quantity is three, the account is charged the amounts shown in the grid three times.
    From Account
    Specify the account. From account is applied to the transaction and the transaction is posted as if it is transferred from the From Account, but actually the system posts directly to this account. Functions like applying auto transfer rules or revenue recognition that are performed by posting on the From Account are skipped.
    If you specify the percentage, the New Amount is calculated by the system. For example, if you specify 10, it indicates a 10% discount. If the original amount is 100, the new amount is 90.00.
    New Amount
    Specify the new amount, the value in the Percentage field is re-calculated by the system and indicates the percent of the original amount. If the New Amount that you specify is a guest level charge, for example, the room charge, the system updates the Accounting folio item charges related to this guest charge. The system adjusts the amounts proportionally based on the change to the guest amount. If the user has modified an item amount, that value is used to make the adjustment, not the original amount. If the new amount that you specify is an item charge in the accounting folio, the guest level charges are adjusted by the system.
    Use Guest Rates
    Select this check box to calculate the charges based on the guest stay rates. The application retrieves the package structure and rates from the guest stay if Consumption Date is within the guest stay dates and the rate plan is the same as guest stay rate plan.
    Charges Include Tax
    Taxes and fees are calculated based on changes to the item amount. The guest level charges are displayed by the system without the tax amounts. When posted the tax is included in the amount charged to the guest. You cannot modify inclusive, additional taxes or resort fees. Taxes are calculated based on the Hotel Date, not the consumption date. In contrast, the Amount is based on the consumption date.
    Consumption Date
    The Consumption Date is based in the consumption date and nights provided by the user. For a Package and Rate Plan, the start date is equivalent to the Arrival Date and the Departure Date would be the arrival date plus the number of nights. For bundles and items, the start date is equivalent to the enhanced experience start date and the end date would be the start date plus the number of nights -1. If the property parameter ALLOWADVANCECHARGEPOSTING check box is selected, the Post Date can be a future date. If the property parameter ALLOWADVANCECHARGEPOSTING check box is clear, the Post Date is always the hotel date. If the Consumption Date does not match the Post Date, the Comment is Pre-populated with “Posted For <Calculated Post Date>”.
    Post using Unconsumed
    If this check box is selected, the search result includes non-room items associated with other transaction code.
    Post using Post Consumption As
    If this check box is selected, the search result includes non-room items associated with the Post Consumption As transaction code.

    You can only select either Post using Unconsumed check box or Post using Post Consumption As check box.

    Calculate As Credit
    If you select this check box, the amounts are populated as negative amounts.
  4. Click Save to post the charges.