Upgrading a guest stay with an add-on

Upgrade a guest stay with add-ons such as meal plans, additional items, packages, and bundles, for example: golf package, spa treatments, massages, beer, wine, champagne, and gift baskets. Add-ons are configured for meal plans and non-room items and bundles within the Rates and Sales module and can be added to a guest reservation at any point during a guest stay, including the departure date.

The non-room items are always defined in the property currency. When the non-room item is quoted, the foreign currency amount is determined and locked. This is the foreign currency amount displayed on the screen. The rules below are used to determine the property currency amounts that must be displayed on the screen.

  • The discount and allowance are defined and displayed in the foreign currency.
  • Guest Stay
    • If the guest stay record contains a property currency rate plan, then the add-on items are in the property currency. The current exchange rate is used by the system to determine the foreign currency amounts.
    • If the guest stay record contains a foreign currency rate plan, then the add-on items are in the foreign currency. If the exchange rate is locked, then the locked exchange rate is used. If the exchange rate is not locked, then the exchange rate for the date when the guest is charged for the item, is used. If the guest charge for using the item is posted pre date roll, the exchange rate for the actual date of the guest charge is used. If the guest charge for using the item is posted post date roll, the exchange rate for the day before is used.
    • Posting Types:
      • On the guest's arrival date, or the date that the non-room item is added, the posting type is pre date roll.
      • On the departure date, the posting type of the non-room item is pre date roll.
      • For other dates between the arrival date and departure date, the posting type for the non-room item/bundle charge is as specified by you.

To upgrade a guest stay with an add-on:

  1. Select Front Desk > Guest Stay.
  2. On the List View tab, double-click the guest stay record to work with.
  3. Click Add-Ons icon on the tool bar. The Add-Ons page is displayed.
  4. Specify this information:
    Item Type
    Select the type of add-one item to add. The Bundle Details section is enabled only when you select the value Non-Room Bundle
    Specify the add-on item to add. Quantity and Frequency are automatically populated. Edit Quantity as necessary.
    Start Date
    Specify the date on which the add-on item begins.
    End Date
    Specify the date on which the add-on item ends.
    The department that is responsible for the non room item.
    Specify the folio to which you want to post the charges.
    Specify how many of the items are purchased by the guest.
    Specify the number of times the item is billed to the account.
    Pricing Control
    Select to charge for the item per adult, child, person, or room.
    Number of Visits
    Indicates the number of times a guest can use the add-on item.
    EOD Post
    If the check box is selected, the non-room item is posted as part of the end of day process. If the check box is selected a non-room item can only be configured with a transaction code and the Posting Frequency cannot be Floating.
    Unit Price
    The cost of the add-on item.
    Avg. Daily
    The average daily cost of the add-on item.
    Total Cost
    The total cost of the add-on item during the guest stay.
    The amount over and above the allowed limit, for which a guest is not charged. If a guest expense is within the cumulative amount of allowed limit and the allowance amount, the guest is not charged for the extra expense.
    The amount is displayed by the system if you specify a value in the Discount Amount field on the Non Room Items screen.
    Discount Based on Pricing Control
    If this check box is selected, the discount is applied based on Pricing Control. For example, the pricing control options can include Per Adult, Per Child, Per Person, or Per Room.
    Max Discount Amount
    Specify the maximum discount amount. The field is available only when you select Discount Based on Pricing Control.
    Upsold From Room Type
    The Room Type associated with the guest stay during the reservation.
    Note: You must specify this value when Room Upsell Add-on is manually specified.
    Upsold To Room Type
    The Room Type which is currently associated with the guest stay.
    Note: You must specify this value when Room Upsell Add-on is manually specified.
    Click Availability to view the availability of non-room items.
    The status of the add-on item. For example, valid, invalid.

    If the status of the add-on item that is linked to an add-on package is set to Invalid, Package Item check box is cleared, and the package name is removed from the non-room item.

    Item Number of Visits
    Indicates the number of times a guest can use the bundle item in a day.
    Package Item
    Select the check box to indicate that the Non-Room Item is part of the Package on the Fly. You must specify a description for the Package Name in the adjacent description field.
    • You create a Package on the Fly when adding Non-Room Item.
    • Package on the Fly is applicable only to Non-Room Item.
    • If more Non-Room Items are added to the Package on the Fly, add the Non-Room Item, select the check box and specify the same Package Name used for the first Non-Room Item. The Package Name specified in the description field links the Non-Room Items together.
    • The Package Name is linked to the reservation.
    • The Package Name is defaulted, when you add a Non-Room Item.
    • If you modify the Package Name for a non-room item, the application updates the Package Name linked to the reservation for all the items in the package.
    • If the Non-Room Items included in the Package are deleted, the Non-Room Items are no longer included in the Package, the Package Name is also deleted.
    The comments related to the add on items that are added to the guest stay.

    This field is blank and disabled if the Item Type is set to Non-Room Bundle or Meal Plan.

    Comment Prompt
    The text related to non-room item. This text is displayed when the non-room item is added to the reservation on the Non Room Item screen. This prompts the user to specify the comment.
    Note: This field is not applicable for non-room bundles and meal plans.
    Settlement Type
    The mode of payment for the items included in the guest stay such as Cash, Cheque and Credit Card.

    This field is blank and disabled if the Item Type is set to Non-Room Bundle or Meal Plan.

    Settlement Information
    The information associated with the Settlement Type.

    This field is blank and disabled if the Item Type is set to Non-Room Bundle or Meal Plan.

  5. Click Save.
    Note: If there is an issue or conflict related to the enhanced experience item, a message is displayed in the message bar. Click the appropriate button to continue, cancel, or close the message bar and address the issue as necessary before continuing.
  6. Click Clear to add additional add-ons as necessary, click Close. The guest reservation is updated with the add-on and the Record View tab is displayed.