About social media fields
Social media fields are used to record IDs for Twitter, Facebook, Trip Advisor, and Booking.com and are contained on the following screens:
- Guest Stay
- Check In
- Walk In
- Guest Profile
- Organization Profile
- Booking Agency Profile
When information is entered in the social media fields on a guest stay, check in, or walk in, it will be saved to the guest profile. When a new guest stay is created any social media that exists on the profile for the selected guest profile will be copied to the guest stay.
When no information exists in the social media fields on a guest stay, check in, or walk in, and the associated guest profile, and an organization or booking agency profile is attached with social media information, the social media information will be copied from the associated profiles to the guest stay and saved to the guest profile. Since social media information can exist on all profiles, the first one associated with the guest record that has the information will copy to the guest record, once information exists on the guest record it does not get automatically updated by attaching other profiles, but can be manually updated.