Guest Stay
The Guest Stay screen enables you to manage all aspects of a guest arrival and guest stay for guests with or walk-in guests without reservations. When a guest arrives, front desk personnel can use this screen to select room accommodations and rates, print registration cards, secure and authorize payment and settlement details, and manage transfer of amounts and guest stay shares.
Use the Guest Stay form to perform the following tasks related to guest stay:
- Creating, copying or canceling reservations
- Checking-in or checking-out a guest
- Printing registration cards
- Assigning guest rooms
- Viewing rate details
- Printing guest folio
- Emailing documents
- Upgrading a guest stay with an enhanced experience
Use the Guest Details tab to set up and maintain the information relating to additional guests, arrival and departure details, passport and visa details.
Use the Guest Preferences tab to set up and maintain the guest preferences information.
Use the Share tab to enter and maintain the information on guest stay shares.
Use the Payment Authorization tab to enter and maintain the payment card information.
Use the Auto Transfer tab to enter and maintain the auto transfer information.
Use the Notes tab to enter and maintain the guest notes.
Use the Messages tab to enter and maintain the guest messages.
Use the Coupon tab to add and maintain the guest coupons.
Use the Folios tab to enter and maintain the following information:
- Posting transactions to folios
- Correcting and adjusting folio transactions
- Transferring folio transactions
- Viewing the POS details
- Printing folios