Searching for available rooms
You can use the Room Availability page to view the number of rooms that are available on the given dates. By default, the availability information for all the rooms is displayed. You can search the rooms based on the room type and other criteria such as room attributes, accessibility.
When you rest the pointer on the cell in the grid, information such as guest reference ID, guest name, check-in and check-out dates, is displayed. If a room is set to the Manual Room Hold status, the room hold details are displayed.
When you rest the pointer on the room number, you can review the room properties. You can click the room number to view additional information related to the Room Type in the Room Information window. When an attendant selects “ ”, you can also view the icon and the Cleaning start time
Important legends
- Indirect: If the components of a suite are reserved, the suite is marked as Indirect. If the suite is reserved, the suite components are marked as Indirect.
- Do Not Move: The room that is reserved for a specific guest must not be changed.
- Pre-registered: A guest
who has not checked-in yet.
Refer to Reservation status.
- The outline of the grid is highlighted to indicate that the rooms are assigned to a guest for specific date(s). The Outline Color field must be set to a specific color on the Guest Stay screen, for a guest reservation.
To search the room availability: