Adding a property transaction code
- Select Administration > Property > Setup > Transaction Codes The Transaction Codes screen is displayed.
- Click New Record.
Specify this information:
- Transaction Code
- The transaction code and description.
- Transaction Type
- The transaction type of the Transaction Code. The transaction type includes transactions such as food and beverage revenue, room revenue and tax. By default, the application displays the description based on the selected Transaction Type.
- Property
- The property to which the transaction code is linked.
- Status
- The status of the Transaction
Code. Note: The Transaction Code must be Active to post the transaction.
- PIS Tax Percent
- The PIS (programa de integração social) tax percentage used to calculate the tax
amounts for the Brazil SPED Invoice Extract.Note: PIS refers to the employees’ profit participation program in Brazil.
- COFINS Tax Percent
- The COFINS (contribuição para o financiamento da seguridade social) tax
percentage used to calculate the tax amounts for the Brazil SPED
Invoice Extract.Note: COFINS refers to the social contribution program for social security financing in Brazil.
Specify this information in Transaction Code Details section:
- G/L Account
- The General Ledger Account to which the transaction is posted.
- Fiskaltrust Value
- The code for mapping the Transaction
- This is based on the value specified in the property parameter FISCAL.
- You can specify the position for the fiskaltrust
- G/L Grouped By
- The group of the General Ledger account.
- Report Sort Order
- The order based on which the Transaction Codes are sorted and displayed on the report. The Transaction Code without a sort order is printed alphabetically, after the transaction codes that are sorted.
- Posting Level
- The number that represents the authorization level for the posting. You can specify any number between 0 and 9. Posting Level is set on a Transaction Code screen and User Group screen. This ensures that the users associated to a specific user group can only post those transactions codes for which the Posting Level is same or less than the number on the User Group screen. If the posting level for the Transaction Code is higher than the number (0-9) on the user group setting then that users cannot post that transaction using the transcation code.
- Default Amount
- The fixed amount that is charged when the transaction code is posted to the property accounts.
- IRS Code
- A unique transaction code provided by IRS (Internal Revenue Service). These codes are required for e-invoicing in Mexico.
- Service Provider Name
- The name of the service provider that is printed in the fiscal receipt. For example, a third-party company that facilitates the hotel’s parking.
- Service Provider Tax ID
- The tax ID of the service provider printed in the fiscal
receipt.Note: The ID is required if the Service Provider Name field is specified.
- Legal Entity
- The legal entity of the organization.Note: This value is defaulted from the organization profile if the Legal Entity check box is selected on the Organization Profile screen.
- PIS Tax Percent
- The tax percentage used to calculate the tax amounts for the Brazil SPED Invoice Extract.
- COFINS Tax Percent
- The tax percentage used to calculate the tax amounts for the Brazil SPED Invoice Extract.
- IBPT Tax Percent
- This tax percentage is used to calculate the tax amount for
products and services while using the fiscal interface reporting in
Brazil.Note: IBPT refers to Brazilian Institute of Tax Planning which provides the rate information.
- Unit Price
- The cost of an item. Note:
- Amount is a multiple of unit price.
- The value must be greater than zero.
- Unit Price is only applicable for charges.
Specify this information in Posting Details section:
- Revenue Type
- The revenue type for the transaction code
used for post. Available Options:
- Banquet Charge
- Beverage Charge
- Event Charge
- Food Charge
- None
- Other Charge
- Room Charge
- Service Charge
- Tax Charge
- Tip Charge
Note:- You can use the code for posting charges that are related to revenue type only.
- You cannot specify a value in the Pay Type field.
- In reports, if the service fee is to be considered a tax, you must select a revenue type of Tax. It is not required to set up all the other tax configurations on the code. This setup allows reports to summarize the service fee under tax revenue.
- In reports, if the service fee is to be considered as revenue, you must select a revenue type of Service. It is not required to set up all the other tax configurations on the code. This setup allows reports to summarize the fee as service fee.
- Frequent Stay
- Select this check box to indicate that the transaction code is related to frequent guest or reservation reward programs honored by the property. These codes accumulate rewards for or during a guest stay and can be used to generate reports. Examples include rental car and airline programs and the property or corporate chain program.
- Posting System Currency
- The external currency used to post the transactions.Note: The currencies are defined based on the Exchange Rate specified for the property currency.
- Direct Bill Transfer
- Select this check box to indicate that
this transaction code is used to post directly to Accounts
Receivable. Note:
- When this check box is selected, Receivables field is disabled.
- When this check box is selected, the Pay Type must be set to Direct Bill Transfer or Lease Direct Bill Transfer.
- Pay Type
- The pay type if the transaction code is
used for posting payments/settlements. Available options:
- Advance Deposit
- Cash Payment
- Check
- Credit Card Payment
- Debit Card Payment
- Direct Bill Transfer
- Lease Direct Bill Transfer
- External Payment Processor
- Gift Card
- Lease Direct Bill Transfer
- Payment Transfer
- Refund
Note:- The Revenue Type field is not required if this value is specified.
- If the Refund option is selected, the payment is negative when the specified account is debited with a refund to the guest.
- If the Payment Transfer option is selected, the application disables the Rounding Required check box.
- If a value is not specified in this field, the Refund Requires Approval and Refund Requires Reason check boxes are cleared and protected.
- If this field is set to Direct Bill Transfer, or Payment Transfer, the Refund Requires Approval and Refund Requires Reason check boxes are protected.
- The External Payment Processor option is used for transaction codes that are used to transfer credit card payments collected by third party systems into HMS. Transaction codes with this pay type are then defined in the External Posting Code field for the card type’s transaction code. When the interface attempts to transfer a credit card payment, it will find the transaction code for the card type and use the transaction code defined in the External Posting Code field. These transaction codes do not require cashier banking as they are not cash, check, or credit. They are merely a credit.
- Outlet
- The outlet linked to the property.
- Meal Period
- The meal period such as Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
- Payment Kind
- The method of payment used in Russia. Note: You must specify the value if:
- The property parameter FISCAL is set to RU.
- The Pay Type field has a value.
- Allow Transfer
- Select this check box to indicate that
credit card payment transactions are applicable for a specified pay
type.Note: This check box is disabled if the Pay Type is set to Payment Transfer.
- Transfer Code
- The transfer code for the credit card
payment transactions. The transfer code must be of the type, Payment
Transfer.Note: This check box is disabled if the Pay Type is set to Payment Transfer.
- Revenue Grouping
- The option to group the revenue if the Libra interface is used. In the EOD extract, the system groups the guest revenue by three code values and updates the values in the Libra table.
- Transaction Department
- The transaction department based on which the transaction codes can be categorized. Hotels must build department codes that align with the various departments they have at the hotel, such as Front Office, Food and Beverage, Banquet, Concierge and so on. Transaction Department is used in the Transaction Code field on the Comp Authorizer and Comp Templates screens as an optional way to filter or search for transactions the property is interested in.
- Allow Void
- Select this check box to void a transaction.Note: This enables to reverse the entire charge on the folio.
- Void Code
- The code used to void the transaction.Note: You must specify this value if the Allow Void check box is selected.
- Un-Compable
- Select this check box to indicate the transaction codes that are not compable. These transaction codes cannot be comped on the Folio Comp Configuration or Comp Folio Transactions screens.
- Commission Type
- The commission type for the transaction
code based on which the commission amount is calculated. The
following are the available options:
- Commission: The commission amount is accrued and must be paid to the travel agent when the transaction is posted to a guest account.
- Commission/Prepaid: The commission amount is accrued and has already been paid to the travel agent even before the transaction is posted to the guest account.
- Prepaid: The commission amount is already deducted by the travel agent and must be deducted from the total payable commission amount. This amount is deducted when the transaction is posted to a guest account. This is commonly used when posting an advance deposit received from a travel agent (for guest) where the travel agent has already deducted the commission. The guest account displays the credit for the full amount deposited.
- Award Payment
- Select this check box to indicate that the transaction code is related to award payments of frequent guest or reservation reward programs honored by the property.
- Not Allowed for Settlement
- Select this check box to indicate that the transaction codecannot be used to post a settlement to a sub-folio in the Account Settlement window.
- Allow Adjustments
- Select this check box to indicate that the transaction code can be adjusted to reverse the charges that were earlier posted to an account. If the check box is selected the Adjustment Code field is enabled and must be specified.
- Adjustment Code
- The code used to adjust the
transactions.Note: You must select Allow Adjustments check box to enable this field.
- Offset Code
- The offset code of the Transaction Codes that are used to post of package items. The offset code is the transaction code that is used to post unconsumed package items in the accounting folio.
- Paid Out
- Select this check box to post the transactions if the hotel has paid an amount on behalf of a guest. The cashier takes the money out of their cash bank to pay for a service on behalf of a guest, such as flowers or a taxi ride, and post it against the guest's folio. When a paid out transaction is posted to a folio, the amount the guest owes to the hotel increases. The paid out transaction records a cash journal entry to show that money was taken out of the cash bank.
- External Posting Code
- The external posting code. The external posting code is the transaction code used by interfaces to post advance deposits into HMS. Each credit card type to be used by external partners to post deposits in HMS must have a corresponding external posting code. The pay type of the external posting code must be set to External Payment Processor.
- Resort Fee
- Select this check box to post the resort fees, with the transaction based on the resort fee definition code of the account.
- Use for Unknown Charge Type
- Select this check box, to post the financial transactions where a charge cannot be categorized into available charge types.
- No Post
- Select this option on transaction codes that are used as settlement types to restrict the purchasing power of the guest. When this transaction code is selected as the settlement type, the no post field on the account is checked which restricts any outlets from posting to the account.
Specify this information in the Credit Card Details section:
- Credit Card Type
- The type of credit card used to settle the transaction.
- Credit Card Transaction
- The settlement type for which credit card is used.
- Merchant Phone Number
- The telephone number of the credit card processor.
- Reverse Authorization Threshold
- The threshold for reverse authorizations.
- Select the Payment not Fiscalised check box in the User Defined Fields section when fiscalizing payment by Direct Bill and Wire Transfer is not required. This functionality is applicable only for Czech Republic Fiscal Interface.
Specify this information in the Allowed Posting Areas section:
- Receivables
- Select this check box to use the
transaction code for posting the charges incurred to the accounts receivable.
Note: If you clear the check box, A/R Requires Property is disabled.
- Reserved
- Select this check box to use the transaction code for posting charges in case a guest confirms the reservation.
- Cancelled
- Select this check box to use the transaction code for posting charges in case a guest cancels the reservation.
- No Show
- Select this check box to use the transaction code for posting charges in case a guest is a no-show meaning that the guest does not check-in on the specified date.
- In House
- Select this check box to use the transaction code for posting charges in case a guest is staying in the property.
- Checked Out
- Select the check box to use the transaction code for posting charges in case a guest has checked out of the property.
- Pre-registered
- Select this check box to use the transaction code for posting charges in case a guest is in the pre-registered status. For example, a guest can use the swimming pool while still waiting for the room to be assigned.
- System
- Select this check box if the system uses the transaction code to post financial transactions.
Specify this information in the Other Information section:
- Default Deposit Charge Transaction
- The deposit charge transaction code that records the deposit charges.
- Deposit Charge Transaction
- Select this check box to retrieve a list of deposit charge transactions.
- Tax Invoice as Exempt
- Indicates that no tax group is associated.
- Taxed Externally
- Select this check box to indicate that the food and beverage transaction total on the invoice includes the transaction amount. In Brazil this check box is select to include transaction amount in the food and beverage total.
- VAT Tax
- Select this check box to indicate that Transaction Code is for VAT Tax.
- City Tax
- Select this check box to display city tax column in the standard tax invoice report. The property parameter TAXINVCITYTAXCOL must be selected.
- Do Not Report in Tax Column
- Select this check to indicate if tax information must be
displayed in the report.Note: This is applicable only if the Revenue Type is Tax.
- Receipt Name
- The receipt that is configured for the property.Note: The receipts are configured on the Form Configuration screen.
- Click Save Record.