Sundry Sales Report

This report lists all sundry sales grouped by item type. The report will include date, item type or transaction code, item, quantity, unit price, and total. The report also includes a summary line for sub total, daily total, and total.

You can filter the report by item type, transaction code, or location. You can optionally include open checks. You can sort the report by item type or transaction code.

These calculations are performed:

  • Sub Total = Sum of Quantity column and sum of Total column for Item Type
  • Daily Total = Sum of Quantity column and sum of Total column for date
  • Total = Sum of Quantity column and sum of Total column for all dates

The following are some of the important points to be noted:

  • The tax amount is included in all total values.
  • When the sundry item has associated modifiers they will print under the sundry item and the sundry item quantity will be reported by the modifier.