Lease period of In-House tenants report overview
This report lists the lease stay period for all in-house guests on leases for a selected date range. The report includes the arrival and departure dates of the guest along with the start and end dates of the lease.
The room, room type, lease number, lease name, account name, lease category, lease start and end dates, lease status, lease period status, rate plan, normalized published rate, rental amount, rate difference, and a partial indicator are printed on the report.
You can filter the report by property, lease status, lease period status, and lease category. You can sort the report by leased room, account, or discrepancy amount descending.
The following are some of the important points to be noted:
- The entered report parameter date values will be compared to the lease schedule start and end dates. When end date is on or after the lease schedule start, and the start date is on or before the lease schedule end the record is shown.
- When the lease schedule dates are not covered completely by the report period, the system displays the full rental amount of the lease schedule.
- The value in the Published Rate column is adapted to the Lease Period. When the lease period is a partial period, the Rental Amount refers to the number of days of the period. The Published Rate is then pro-rated to the same number of days within the billing cycle so that both values can be compared.
- The partial indicator will be displayed when the report represents the entire lease period, but the period itself is partial. This occurs when the lease has a standard billing cycle (for example: monthly) but the period is shorter. This is usually the case with the first and last period of a lease..