Event Reservation Report
This report lists event reservations for a specified date range. The report includes the event name, group name, event status, start date and time, end date and time, room layout, confirmation number, event type, persons, sales coordinator, rate, and total guest room nights.
You can filter the report by specifying the property. You can optionally include notes and event reservation statuses of in-house, definite, tentative, prospect, and canceled. . You can sort the report by event name, group name, or start date.
The following are some of the important points to be noted:
- Only reservations that have a Group Association will have Total Guest Room Nights on the Report. If a Reservation has a Group Association, then the Total Guest Room Nights number should be the number of rooms blocked on the group.
- Only Groups where the block is removed from availability will be include on the report.
These calculations are performed:
- Total Guest Room Nights = total of blocked rooms on group