No Shows Report

This report lists all guests that were due to arrive within the specified date range but did not arrive. The information displayed on the report is based on the guest arrival date.

The report includes the account number, guest name, VIP code, arrival and departure dates, number of guests, reservation source, guarantee method, room type, rate plan, rate amount, advance deposit balance, folio balance, organization, group, and booking agency. The report then gives a total for the number of guests and the number of accounts on the report.

You can filter the report by specifying property. You can optionally include additional guest names, guest profile notes, reservation notes, and account notes. You can limit the report to only show VIPs. You can select to show package rates. You can sort the report by confirmation number or guest name.

The following are some of the important points to be noted:

  • Rate, rate plan and room type will all display information based on the guest account arrival date.
  • If the Show Package Rates check-box is not checked, the report will only show the room amount where the rate is a part of a package.
  • If guest notes are included, ones flagged as private will not be shown.
  • If more than one type of note is included, the notes will print below the associated reservation record in this order: guest note, reservation note, account note.
  • Share logic will not be represented on the report. When a share account no shows, the account is removed from the share master and the system does not track it as a share. The account becomes an individual account with its own PMS confirmation number.
  • The Folio Balance field displays on the Guest Stay screen but is a calculated field taken from the Folio screen.
  • This report applies the VVIP functionality.
  • The report applies Incognito enhancement. See Incognito Functionality

These calculations are performed:

  • No. of Guests = Adults + Children
  • Total Guests = sum of guests
  • Total Accounts = sum of records listed on the report