Tax Exempt Report
This report lists accounts that have a tax exempt status for the date range specified.
The report is grouped by tax status and includes the guest stay confirmation number, guest status, guest name, orgainzation, room number, arrival and departure dates, rate plan, rate, and number of days. The report gives a total amount for each tax status and a total amount for all tax statuses combined.
You can filter the report by property and tax exempt status code. You can select to include a cover page that includes the parameters used to run the report. You can select to include guest stays by status, other types of accounts by their status, and accounts by account types. You can select to include event reservations. You can sort the report by confirmation number, name, or room number.
The following are some of the important points to be noted:
- The report only displays information for past dates. The table used for this report is populated during the EOD process and the End Date for the report is required to be less than the current hotel date.
- Tax information is held in the P5TaxExemptHistory table.
- The report will display tax statuses that are named in P5TAXEXEMPTDEFEXTENDED TDE_TAXSTATUSNAME.
- There are three tax exempt categories: Exempt, Auto Adjust, and Manual Adjust. Exempt and Auto Adjust Categories are grouped together, while Manual Adjust is listed independently. The Sub-Totals for each category will show grouped together. For example, all manual adjustments will be grouped together by the category Manual Adjust as well as by tax status.
- All manual transactions will be grouped together regardless of status. The description "MANUAL" will be listed under the Tax Exempt Reason column, along with the actual reason if one exists and field is populated.
- A manual adjust is where a user highlights a room tax line on the folio and selects the button.