Hotel Ledger Comparison

This report gives a summary of the hotel ledger's balances and the difference of the ledger balances from yesterday to today (today is the current date minus one day as ledger balances are calculated at EOD). The report contains comparison details about the following ledgers:

  • Advance Deposit Ledger: A collection of accounts where a guest pays a deposit prior to registration. The hotel records an account payable to the guest for services to be rendered in the future. The amount is then transferred back to the guest's front-office account called folio after the guest checks-in.
  • Guest Ledger: Collection of accounts receivable for guests who are currently registered.

  • Accounts Pending: Collection of direct bill charges that are transferred from the Guest Ledger to the City Ledger and are still in the Pending status.
  • City Ledger: Collection of accounts that pertain to non-registered guests.

Show Pending as Advance Deposit: If you select this check box, then all folio transactions for all account types in the Pending status are reported in the Advance Deposit Ledger. The properties that do not use advance deposit functionality in HMS, can use this feature to post payments on guest folios prior to check in, and report the payments as an advance deposit on the hotel ledger reports for all pending account types. Note that the payment shows up in the guest ledger section if the report is run on the date the account checks in. The payment only shows as an advance deposit when the report is run for dates prior to check in date.

The report includes by ledger the account status, yesterday's date and amounts, today's date and amounts, the difference between yesterday and today's amounts, then gives a total per ledger, a property sub total, and a grand total.

You can filter the report by specifying the property.

The following are some of the important points to be noted:

  • Advance Deposit Ledger will displays all status values that have a debit /credit value reported on the Hotel Ledger under Advance Deposit Ledger
  • Guest Ledger will display all status values that have a debit /credit value reported on the Hotel Ledger under Guest Ledger.
  • If the the input charge status for a record is Pending, the charge is included in the AR Pending ledger total.
  • If the Posting Date on the charge is before the report date, the charge is posted and is included in the AR Ledger totals.
  • If the Posting Date on the charge is after the report date, the charge is pending and is included in the AR Pending ledger totals.
  • The report displays the Net and Vat amount of the Advance Deposit Ledger and Guest Ledger.
  • You must select the property parameter ARRETAINPOSTDATEONXFER and the CRS application parameter AgingDayBasis must be set to CHARGE to calculate the aging of the transferred charges and payments based on the original posting date.

These calculations are performed:

  • Yesterday = current day - 2 days
  • Today = current day - 1 day
  • Difference = today amount - yesterday amount
  • Total for ledger = summary total of ledger
  • Property Sub Totals = Advance Deposit Ledger + Guest Ledger
  • Grand Total = summary total of all ledgers