Property parameters
Property parameters configure system, environment settings and behavior at the property level. Most property parameters are populated during the Infor HMS installation process, but can be modified if required. Refer to Defining property parameters.
There are different types of property parameters: DATE, FLAG, NUMERIC, and TEXT. For FLAG type parameters, appropriate values are Yes or No which the Value check box determines. If the check dbox is selected, the setting for the parameter is set to Yes. If the check box is cleared, the setting for the parameter is set to No.
check box indicates whether the current value for a parameter is the default setting. When the setting of a parameter is modified to value other than the default setting, is unchecked automatically. If the setting of a parameter is later restored to the default setting, is automatically checked to indicate that the parameter is set to default value.This section contains a complete listing of all the property parameters used for Infor HMS.
Parameter | Type | Description | Default Value |
ACCOUNTINGNOTE | FLAG | Accounting Note functionality is specific to hotels and properties in Poland. If this check box is selected and the guest reservation is set to No Show or Cancelled status, the hotel can claim a tax that is associated to the charged service. | Unchecked |
ADDRESSLOOKUP | Numeric | Enables the Address Lookup icon on the screens.
Available values:
Specify the value to identify the list of countries that can be selected from the Address window. Available values:
The value also identifies the type of license the customer has for AFD software. Comma (,)
is used as a delimiter.
Note: The value of the country code must be
active in the global code AFDCTY.
ADJUSTCOMPDATES | FLAG | When this parameter is selected and the user changes the Reservation Dates of a guest reservation that includes comps then the user can view a warning message, that existing comps need to be adjusted for the revised dates. | unchecked |
ADTAXINV | FLAG | Advance deposit tax invoicing. If set to Yes, deposit activity types of Deposit Charge and Deposit Tax are used when an advanced deposit is posted, and a pending tax invoice will be generated on the Tax Invoice tab. | Unchecked |
ALLOWZEROFOLIOAMOUNT | TEXT | This parameter determines if zero
amount transactions can be posted to the Folio tab or via the Fast Posting screen. Options are:
Specify 12 to limit the advance posting within a calendar year. You must use coma separator (,) to limit posting by month end. The allowed values are between 1 to 12. This parameter is used by hotels in Germany. Example: If the value is ‘12’ the advance posting is allowed up to 31th December (year) If the value is set 2 the advance postings are limited for 2 months. |
ALLOWADVANCECHARGEPOSTING | FLAG | Allows you to post all charges in advance. If this parameter is selected, the Post All Charges check box is displayed. Select this check box to post future charges to the guest account. | Unchecked |
ALLOWCHECKINTOCLEANONLY | FLAG | If this check box is selected, you can check the guest only in a clean room. If this check box is clear, you can check the guest in a dirty room after a message is displayed by the system. Property parameter CKINPCKUPSTATUS is only considered when this is check box is clear. | Unchecked |
ALLOWDEPOSITTRANSFER | TEXT | This parameter allows the transfer of a deposit from one account to
other account. Possible values:
Not Allow |
ALLOWTERMSCONDBYPASS | FLAG | Select the check box to check-in without accepting the Terms and Conditions. | Unchecked |
ALLOWTRANSGROUPTAXINV | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the Transaction Grouping check box is enabled. When the Transaction Grouping check box is selected, you can print a tax invoice grouped by the transaction code group. | Unchecked |
ALLOWONELINETAXINV | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the user can select the One Line Invoice check box to print the tax invoice in one line with one line description. | Checked |
ALWAYSPOSTINADVANCEATCHECKIN | FLAG | Select this check box for the application to automatically select the Post In Advance check box in the Check-In screen. The property parameter ALLOWADVANCECHARGEPOSTING must be selected. | Unchecked |
ANTIMONEYLAUNDERING | TEXT | This parameter determines the cash payment threshold for transaction posting for payments that exceeds this threshold, the Require Manager Approval window is displayed using which the manager can approve the amount. A value (dollar amount) must be specified to implement this parameter. | |
APPLYCXLPOLICY | FLAG | Select this check box to indicate that the
cancellation policies and rules are applicable when a reservation is
cancelled. The cancellation policies and rules are displayed on the Cancellation Reason window. The cancellation fee or deposit forfeit is calculated based on the rule that is in effect. |
Unchecked |
APPLYCXLPOLICYINTF | FLAG | Select this parameter to apply the cancellation policies for the
reservations that are cancelled using an interface. The application charges the reservation with cxl (cancellation) fee or forfeits the deposit based on the conditions defined in the cancellation policy. |
Unchecked |
APPLYDEPOSITTONOSHOW | FLAG | Select this check box and the property parameter AUTOPOSTNOSHOW to automatically transfer an advance deposit of the reservation to the guest folio. The no-show charge must be posted if the status of the reservation is set to No-Show | |
ARACCOUNTCURRENCY | FLAG | If this check box is selected, Currency for A/R account is displayed on the Property A/R Accounts screen. You can use the account currency to post a payment. | Unchecked |
ARAGINGBYLEASESCHEDULEDATE | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the
aging process of the lease related invoices is based on the start date
of the lease schedule. Note: For lease related invoices, the application
considers this parameter, overriding the
AgingDayBasis parameter.
Unchecked |
ARCREDITERRORS | FLAG | If this check box is selected, an error is displayed by the system if you add an A/R account which is on credit hold to the guest reservation record. A warning is displayed by the system if you add an A/R account which is over credit limit to the guest reservation record. | Unchecked |
ARCCTRANDETAIL | FLAG | A/R Credit Card Transfer in Detail mode. If this check box is selected, and the customer transfers credit card balance to A/R, the system posts one direct bill settlement per credit card posting, instead of summarizing and posting a lump sum for the total credit card amount. | Unchecked |
ARDBIRASPKGTAXDETAILS | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the DB batch job transfers the GST and Service Fee charges from the accounting folio for packages that are configured to show tax in the package price. | Unchecked |
ARDBTRANSFERAUTOINVOICEDFLT | FLAG | The default value for the Automatically Invoice check box in the Direct Bill Transfer popup. If the ARDBTRANSFERAUTOINVOICEDFLT is Unchecked the Automatically Invoice check box in the Direct Bill Transfer popup is also unchecked. | Checked |
ARINVOICEREPORTNAME | TEXT | The name of the AR Invoice Report to call from the Invoice tab. Either the standard function code BZARIV for the report or the customized function if different. | |
The ID of the report that must be printed as A/R Payment Receipt. Possible values:
Note: By default, the standard report is
ARRETAINPOSTDATEONXFER | FLAG | Select this check box to retain the Posting Date of the original A/R account when an A/R charge is transferred from one account to another. This enables the calculation of the ageing based on the Original Posting Date. | Unchecked |
ARREQAPPROVAL | FLAG | If this check box is selected, you cannot post a direct bill settlement to a folio on an A/R account if the A/R account has the Requires Approval check box selected on the Property A/R Account page. If this check box is clear, you can post a direct bill settlement to a folio on an A/R account if the A/R account has the Requires Approval check box selected on the Property A/R Account page. | Checked |
ARSTATEMENTREPORTNAME | TEXT | The name of the AR Statement Report to call from the Documents tab of Account Maintenance. Either the standard function code BZARST for the report or the customized function if different. | |
ARTAXINVUSAGE | FLAG | Use tax invoice in A/R instead of A/R Invoice. If this check box is selected, the system automatically creates an A/R invoice when a tax invoice is created for a folio that has a direct bill settlement. | Unchecked |
AUTHCREDITLIMITOVRD | FLAG | Select this parameter to authorize the supervisor to approve the AR Account that exceeds the credit limit. | Unchecked |
AUTHDNMOVRD | FLAG | Require Authorization to override a Do Not Move. If this check box is selected, deselecting the Do Not Move check box on the Guest Stay page will require manager authorization. | No |
AUTHRTOVRD | FLAG | Require Authorization for Rate Override. If this check box is selected, overriding a rate value in the stay wizard screen will require manager authorization. | No |
AUTHSOOVRD | FLAG | Require Authorization to override a sell option restriction. If this check box is selected, saving a guest stay with a sell option that is unavailable will require manager authorization. | No |
AUTOCHECKIN | FLAG | If this check box is selected the Check-in process follows a special flow from Guest Stay screen. The Check-In button on Guest Stay Screen will launch additional steps to be performed automatically: Room Assignment, Key Generation, and at last ending the check-in process by jumping to the Folio tab. | |
AUTOPOSTNOSHOW | TEXT | Auto Post No Show option Indicates if the no-show charges must be posted. Available values:
The posted transaction is configured on the Rate Plan screen. When the value is set to Reinstate, the add-on charges of the first night are added to the room charge. |
Unchecked |
AUTOPRINTCOUPON | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the coupons added to the Guest Stay screen for a checked in guest are printed automatically. This process is only applicable for the new coupons. | Checked |
BARBYRMTYPE | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the system includes the room type when determining the Best Available Rate to use. | Unchecked |
BLOCKDEPOSITTRNSTOGUESTLEDGER | Text | Specify this value to indicate the deposit transfer
handling process for all account types, except Lease. Possible
BWCIENROLL | FLAG | Best Western pop up for enrollment at check-in. This parameter indicates if the Best Western property wants to have a popup at guest check-in stage in case the guest is not yet enrolled in the Best Western rewards program. | Checked |
BWLOGO | TEXT | Best Western Logo Type. This
parameter determines the type of logo that must be printed for a Best
Western property. The numerical values indicate the following:
1 |
BWOVRBK | Flag | Best Western Allow Overbooking. This parameter indicates if a Best Western property can use the room overbooking functionality. | Checked |
BWPRFUPD | Text | If this check box is selected, you can specify which BW Guest Profiles must be updated during the Best Western Profile Update End of Day process. Following are the available value: Expected Arrivals, In-House, Both. | Both |
BWSENDPOL | Flag | Best Western - Send GTD/Cancel Policies. This parameter indicates if HMS must send booking policy information to Best Western Interface or not. | Checked |
BWTIER | Flag | Best Western Tier or Level Reminder. This parameter indicates if a Best Western property must display the level reminder for Diamond and Platinum level members. The level reminder contains the description of the current promotion for their Tier level. | Unchecked |
CANCELLETTER | TEXT | Specifies which report to use for the guest cancellation letter. | |
CANCELREINSTATEHOTELDATEONLY | FLAG | Allows reinstatement of canceled reservation if the hotel date is same as the date of cancellation of the reservation. Deselect the check box to allow reinstatement of a reservation where the date on which the reservation is canceled is not same as the hotel date. | Checked |
CARDTRANS | Flag | Enable Card Transaction History. If you select this check box, the Guest Stay page is enabled. When you click this button, the pop-up displays the card transaction history from interfaces that transmit the card data to and from the card processor. | button in theUnchecked |
CASHJRNLVOUCNUMSEQ | FLAG | Starting sequence number of cash journal vouchers. | None |
If this check box is selected, a confirming prompt is displayed by the system when you post a transaction on the Cash Journal screen. If this check box is clear, the confirmation prompt is not displayed by the system. |
Unchecked |
CCTOKENPARAMS | TEXT | Additional parameters needed by Vault to tokenize a credit card. Typically for entering parameters required by an external tokenization partner used by Vault. Refer to the Vault Installation and Operation Guide for the values needed for each supported partner. | None |
CCWORKSTATIONID | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the system will include the workstation id (or machine id) from the device/workstation when payment card authorization or settlement requests are made (for any type of card). For iPad or Tablet, the workstation ID can be the MAC address or serial number. | Checked |
CHANGEGROUPAFTERRELEASE | FLAG | Allow Changes to Group Bookings through interfaces after Release date. If this is true then the system will allow change/cancels to groups through interface when release date has passed. If false then system will generate an exception | |
CITYWHEREHOTELISHOSTET | TEXT | City where hotel is hosted | |
CKAVONBORROW | FLAG | Check Availability on Borrow | |
CKINPCKUPSTATUS | FLAG | If this check box is selected, a message prompt is displayed by the system when the user checks a guest into a room that has a room Status of Pick Up. The message states the room status is Pick Up and includes the last date and time the room was cleaned. | Unchecked |
CLHSKP | FLAG | Clear housekeeping assignments. When set to Yes, the end of day processing will clear all housekeeping assignments for the property. Is set to No, the end of day processing does nothing to existing housekeeping assignments. | Checked |
CLOSEACCOUNTINGDATEPROMPT | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the application prompts you to advise that the recruiting charges must be posted before closing the Account Date on the A/R Ledger screen. | Unchecked |
CMSINTG | FLAG | Casino Management System Integration. If this check box is selected, the Casino Management System (CMS) integration is enabled. If the CMS is enabled, the rates are quoted by the system based on player rank code. | Unchecked |
CMSSTATTYPE | TEXT | Casino Management System statistic type for hotel ratings. Specify the code used to send the dollar amount spent by a player at the hotel in the player ratings interface message. | None |
Select this check box to automatically redeem the comps of the player instead of using the Folio Comp Configuration screen. This feature is applicable for the CMS partner. If this check box is not selected, you must use the Folio Comp Configuration screen to issue the comp and later settle the comp. |
Unchecked |
COMPPOSCHARGEDETAIL | FLAG | Select this parameter to post the comping POS charges on the guest folio and enable the Comp Folio Transactions screen. | icon on theUnchecked |
COMPRATEVALUETEXT | Text | If specified, the application replaces the transfer rate amount with this value for all the rate plans when the Player Comp Rate check box is selected. This impacts the Rate Shopping, Rate Details, Stay Wizard, and Stay 360 screens. | |
CONFIRMATIONLETTER | TEXT | Specifies which report to use for the Guest Confirmation Letter. | |
CONFIRMATIONPROPERTYPICURL | TEXT | Location of the Property Picture for the Confirmation and Cancellation Report and E-mail. Format is a URL format. | |
CRSCANCELLETTER | TEXT | Report that will print when Cancellation Letter is selected to print in the CRS Application. Specifies which report to use for the CRS Cancellation Letter. | BZCRCA |
CRSCODEINSERTID | TEXT | The code of the external system is displayed on the reservation record when the CRS ID is configured within the table. | |
COPYRESTRICTIONS | FLAG | If this check box is selected, you are allowed to copy booking restrictions from one rate plan to another rate plan. | Unchecked |
CREDITNOTEPL | FLAG | Credit Note Print Out in Poland. If this check box is selected, the Credit Note in Poland is printed again with two sections. The first section is similar to the original invoice, with the additional statement for example: Before the Correction. The second section displays the corrected Credit Note with this statement for example: After the Correction and designated spaces for signatures. | Unchecked |
CRSCONFIRMATIONLETTER | TEXT | Report that will print when Confirmation is selected in the CRS Application. Specifies which report to use for the CRS Confirmation Letter. | BZCRCO |
CRSSYSTEMID | TEXT | The System ID used in HMS Central to identify the external CRS System linked to HMS Central. CRSSYSTEMID must match the system id that Liaison uses in the PMS for the property. | |
CURRENTFISCALYR | Text | Specify the numeric value of the current fiscal year to report correctly. The application automatically updates the value when the new Fiscal Year begins. | |
CURREXCHANGEFOLIO | TEXT | Specify this parameter to activate the Currency Exchange pop-up that disables the currency exchange detail type from Cashier Banking screen. This value is printed on the tax invoice report title. | |
CURREXCHANGEFOLIODEFAULT | TEXT | This parameter is used to improve the Currency Exchange handling in the
Folio. The parameter includes three values which are defaulted in the Currency Exchange window that is accessed from the Account screen – Folio tab. The values are defaulted in the Currency In, Currency Out , and the Transaction fields. The vertical bar (|) delimiter is used to separate the text. For example: In Peru, if the Property Currency is USD, the parameter value must be USD|PEN|CA. |
CXLGROUPWITHRES | FLAG | By default this setting prevents interfaces from cancelling groups with active reservations. When set to YES, the system will cancel the reservations and the group booking | |
DEPOSITCURRENCY | Flag | Select this parameter to view the fields related to deposit currency in the Advance Deposit tab and enable posting the deposits in foreign currencies. | Unchecked |
Default Payment Authorization Folio Specify the name of the folio that is defaulted on the Payment
Authorization screen when the folios are to be settled separately in
web services.
Note: When this parameter is not
specified, Guest is used as default folio.
DEFAULTREPLYTOEMAILADDR | TEXT | Email address used as “Reply To” in customer correspondence. | None |
DEFAULTTRANSFERTAXWITHCHARGE | FLAG | Select this parameter to select the Include Tax check box by default on the Folio Transfer and Direct Bill Transfer screen. | Unchecked |
DEFRETAINRATEPROMPT | FLAG | Default Retain Rate Prompt. If this check box is selected and the user attempts to change the sell option, but not the rate, a prompt is displayed. On Room Assignment page, the Retain Current Rate check box is selected by default instead of the prompt. A change in the Room Type, Adult Count or Child count are the only changes that originate the prompt display. | Unchecked |
DEFRETAINRATEREASON | TEXT | Default Retain Rate Reason. When the user answers Yes to the retain rate prompt, this rate override reason code is used. | None |
DEPOSITCORRECTIONS | FLAG | Select this parameter to generate the Credit Notice for the Deposit Invoices. | Unchecked |
DESOVR | FLAG | Allow transaction override description. When set to Yes, the user can change the description of a transaction on the guest folio. | Unchecked |
DYUSERSSRVCTYP | FLAG | When checked, a pop-up will display on the check-out of day use reservations that will allow the user to set the room status and service type. | Unchecked |
The unique Hotel ID in the E-Invoice System. This ID is used for
authentication when sending the invoices (XML files) to an e-invoice
Note: The Hotel ID can be a
maximum of 35 characters.
EINVOICINGPLATFORM | TEXT | Specify the platform name to activate the interface that can be used by Hotels and Customers to transfer Invoices in XML format. This helps avoid printing and emailing of Invoices in PDF format. | |
Specify the URL of the image to display the email icon in the
application. The recommended size of the image is 18px x
Note: By default, the image is displayed from the
ImageCabinet table.
EODMSGEMAILADDR | TEXT | Email address for sending EOD related error/warning messages. This can be either a single email address or a distribution list. | None |
Select this parameter to retain the Service Type as CKOUT for rooms that are checked out with the Front Desk and Housekeeping status set to Vacant. However, if not selected, the Service Type is set to None during the EOD process for the rooms that are checked out with the Front Desk and Housekeeping status set to Vacant Clean. Note: The rooms that are Vacant Dirty are ignored.
EXCHANGERATEVARADJTRAN | TEXT | Specify the currency exchange rate to enable the HMS functionality to post adjustments in property currency when the balance in the guest currency is equal to zero. This balances the property currency and guest currency. | |
EXCLUDERTYPESIDEAS | TEXT | Specify the list of room types and the Reservation message, to be excluded from the IDeaS EOD statistics extract. The comma (,) delimiter is used to separate the room types. | |
EXTAVAIL | FLAG | External availability. Enables or disables the use of an external system for a property's rates and availability in lookups. | Unchecked |
EXTERNALCARDFEETRANSACTION | TEXT | Specify the transaction code to post a card fee for transactions processed externally. | |
EXTAVAILRATEORDER | FLAG | External Availability Rate Ordering. If selected, the rates are retrieved from the external system based on the results sent by the partner. If this parameter is not selected, the rates are retrieved and filtered based on the sales strategy configured on the Rate Shop screen. | Checked |
EXTERNALTALOOKUP | FLAG | Enables the External Booking Agency Search option on the Guest Stay and Group Booking screen. | Unchecked |
EXTCRM | FLAG | External CRM profile lookup. When set to Yes, you can search for an existing guest profile using an external system on the Guest Profile screen. | Unchecked |
EZFUTUREREPORTINGDAYS | NUMERIC | Number of future reporting days for the EzRMS data extract. Leave the parameter blank to get all future data contained in the database. | None |
EZHISTREPORTINGDAYS | NUMERIC | Number of historical reporting days for the EzRMS data extract. Leave the parameter blank to get all historical data contained in the database. A number means get that many days worth of historical data | 7 |
REPORT_BZCONS | TEXT | Specify this value to print a report in the Jasper version. | BZCONS |
FCSTCNT | FLAG | Displays the FCST column on the group block screen for the forecasted room count for the Delphi interface. | Unchecked |
FEDERALSERVICE | TEXT | The text from Federal Service that must be displayed in the invoice footer which is generated for City Hall in Brazil. | |
Indicates the mandatory fields to comply with the Hungarian law for the check-in process. Available values:
External Partner ID for Fiscal Interfaces Specify the ID that the third party (Fiscal Interface) uses to identify the property. |
FISCALYR | DATE | Fiscal year start date. Specifies the date on which a property's fiscal year begins. If no value is specified, the default value is January 1. | 01/01/YYYY |
FISCALYREND | DATE | The end date of a property’s financial year. The date must be the last calendar date of the month. The financial year is automatically incremented by 1, when the end of the day process is running on that date | |
Enables the Fiscalization process for tax invoices. The available values are:
FNSRATEPLANS | TEXT | Displays the list of rate plans associated with the Wyndham Free Night Stay program for Wyndham Hotel. The comma (,) delimiter is used to separate the text. | |
FNRHHOSTINGKEY | Text | Specify the hosting key to enable the FNRH interface for data
transmission. Note: Hosting key is an
identifier, which is generated when a hotel in Brazil registers with
SNRHos (Sistema Nacional de Registro de Hó spedes).
Blank |
FOLIOACCDETAIL | TEXT | Folio account detail report name. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | None |
FOLIOACCSUMMARY | TEXT | Folio account summary report name. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report . If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | BZFACS |
FOLIOEMAILTYPE | TEXT | Used to determine, if the folio E-mail must be HTML or an attached PDF. | |
FOLIOEVENT | TEXT | Event folio report name. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report . If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | None |
FOLIOFOOTERBANNER | Text | Specify the URL of the banner image to include Footer image in the folio receipt. | |
FOLIOPKGINFORMATION | Text | If this check box is selected for a folio that has a package, the package information report is printed that displays a list of charges and sums up the different values of non-charges, service fees and taxes. | BZFOLP |
FOLIOSTANDARD | TEXT | Standard folio report name. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report . If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | None |
FOLIORECEIPT | Text | Specify the report code (BJJPFR) to print the folio receipt report for Japan. | BJJPFR |
FOLIOSTAMPLOGO | Text | Specify the URL of the stamp image to include the Report Stamp logo in the folio receipt. | |
FOLIOTRANSSUMBYDATE | TEXT | Folio transaction summary by date report name. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | None |
FOLIOTRANSSUMMARY | TEXT | Folio transaction summary report name. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | None |
FORCERESTRICTIONLEVEL | Flag | Select this parameter to restrict the Booking Restrictions setting to the Product level (Room Type and Rate Plan). | Unchecked |
FORCETAXINVONPAYMENT | FLAG | If this parameter is selected, while generating a tax
invoice the application prompts the user to use the Post Payment screen
for posting a transaction code with a Pay Type. When the parameter is selected:
Unchecked |
This parameter improves the usability of tax summaries on folio reports for Japan.You can specify up to eight pipe-separated values to define the tax summary section. For example, TAXAMT1|TAXAMT2|TAX1|TAX2|ACCTAX|ONSEN|NOTAX|TAXEXT Possible values:
FRANCENF525COMPMODE | FLAG | Must be selected for all installations in France to comply with the security requirements, demanded by the law. | Unchecked |
FRANCENF525CERTNUMBER | TEXT | The NF525 certificate number must be specified, after receiving the certification. | |
FRANCENF525CERTVERSION | TEXT | The latest HMS version with the NF525 certification must be specified. | |
GENDERMANAGEROOMS | FLAG | Used by US Military for gender management. If this check box is selected, gender management restrictions are end on room type and room assignments. This parameter does not affect room type restrictions by rank. | Unchecked |
GETCRMDETAILS | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the ability to select a link from guest stay and guest profile screens to obtain additional stay and revenue details from a CRM is enabled. | Unchecked |
GROUPBLKCONTRACT | FLAG | Used to determine if the contracted value can be changed after the group status changes to Definite. If this check box is selected and the status of group booking is Definite or In-House, you cannot change the contracted value. | Unchecked |
GROUPEXTEND | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the EOD process does not stop and extends by one day any group reservations due to depart the current hotel date. If this check box is clear, the EOD process stops with warnings and no group reservations are extended. | Unchecked |
GROUPEXTENDENDDATE | FLAG | Select this check box to extend the departure date and the auto transfer rule of the group delegate reservation by one day, using the EOD process. | Unchecked |
GROUPCONFREPORT | Text | The ID of the report that must be printed as Group
Confirmation Letter. Possible values:
Note: By default, the standard report is
GROUPPROFORMALOCATION | TEXT | The Default value is US, which prints the Default Report. The options are US - Default Report, GR for Germany, UK for United Kingdom, FR for France. | US |
GROUPPROFORMAREPORT | Text | The name of the custom report that must be used to
generate the Group Pro Forma report. Possible values:
Note: By default, the standard report is
GSTPROFORMAREPORT | TEXT | Guest stay pro forma report name. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | None |
GSTPROFILESTYREC | FLAG | Select the check box to automatically run the dataspy on the Guest Profile – Stay Details tab. | Checked |
GUESTRECOGNITIONPOPUP | FLAG | If this parameter is selected, a pop-up is displayed on the Check-In screen with important information regarding the guest being checked-in. | Unchecked |
Determines the list of discretionary comp banks available for selection in the Retrieve Player Banks window. In the Value field, you must specify the comp
bank descriptions that must be excluded from the list of player
HIEERRORLEVEL | TEXT | Hungary Invoice Extract Error Level. The value in this field is used in the HIBAKSZAMA field of the invoice extract. | None |
HIEPASSWORD | TEXT | Hungary Invoice Extract Password. The value in this field is used in the HASH field of the invoice extract. | None |
HIEANYKPGMVERSION | TEXT | Hungary Invoice Extract Anyk Program Version. The value in this field is used in the PROGRAMVERZIO field of the invoice extract. | None |
HIEANYKPGMFOLDER | TEXT | Hungary Invoice Extract Anyk Program Folder. The value in this field is used in the NYOMTATVANYINFORMACIO field of the invoice extract. | None |
HIEANYKMAINVERSION | TEXT | Hungary Invoice Extract Anyk Main Version. The value in this field is used in the NYOMTATVANYVERZIO field of the invoice extract. | None |
HKCHECKOUTLOYALVIP | TEXT | Allows the property to configure VIP, Player Rank, and Loyalty levels codes to be excluded from the checkout feature of the guest stay, using Comma Delimited format. | |
HKCHECKOUTSTTLTYPE | TEXT | For automatic checkout, the guest folio settlement type(s) are configured using the Comma Delimited format. The available options are: CASH, CHECK, CREDIT, and DBT | |
IGNOREPOSTLEVELFORADJRECORD | FLAG | If the property parameter IGNOREPOSTLEVELFORADJRECORD is enabled, the user’s posting level is ignored by the system and a charge can be adjusted/corrected by the user. | Unchecked |
INCADDLGUESTSTAT | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the application updates the stay and the room night statistics (Total Number of Stays, Total Room Nights, Average Length of Stay, Total Room Nights YTD) for the Additional guests with the Guest Profile. | Unchecked |
INCLOVBKINVENTORY | FLAG | Select this check box for the application to include the overbooking limit count to the outbound inventory message. | Checked |
INTERIMPAYMENTDESCRIPTION | TEXT | Specify the text for the Post Interims
Payment description. This description is displayed on
the Folio tab and the final
guest invoice for the posted interim payment. Note:
If this text is not specified, the application displays the existing description of the payment. For example, American Express. |
Blank |
INTERFACETOKENPERM | NUMERIC | Starting Sequence Number for Permanent Account Interface Tokens. | 920,000 |
INTERFACETOKENPERMLIMIT | NUMERIC | Ending Sequence Number for Permanent Account Interface Tokens. | 999,999 |
INTERFACETOKENSEQ | NUMERIC | Starting Sequence Number for customer Account Interface Tokens. | 200,000 |
INTERFACETOKENSEQLIMIT | NUMERIC | Ending Sequence Number for customer Account Interface Tokens. | 919,999 |
INTFAMENITYONLY | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the application accepts only the Amenity type Add-ons to HMS, through the Reservation interface. | Unchecked |
Specify the list of Unit Types to be included in the outbound Inventory message (Liaison and OTA) The comma delimiter (,) is used. |
INTFTRANSFERRULES | FLAG | If this check box is selected, reservation interface creates auto transfer rules for room charges if the rate plan is set to suppress the rate. The transfer rule is configured to send the charges to Folio 4. | Checked |
INTFGROUPCURREXCHANGE | Text | Currency Exchange settings for the inbound group
processing This parameter is used to determine the values that must be applied for the Exchange Rate Locking and Exchange Rate Application fields of a new group that is received from an interface. These values are available based on the existing Global Code Values:
The Global Code Values of GREXLK (Exchange Rate Locking) or GREXAP (Exchange Rate Application) are used to add the parameter values. |
Blank |
INVPLEASEPAY | TEXT | Please Pay Tax Invoice Text. The text that you specify is displayed in case of an outstanding balance on the invoice or A/R account. The parameters AMTDUE and DUEDATE are substituted with values when a report is generated. The AMTDUE parameter is the amount that must be payed and DUEDATE parameter is the pay by date. | DUEDATE AMTDUE |
INVPLEASEPAYARONLY | FLAG | Please Pay Tax Invoice Text Message for A/R only. If this check box is selected, the text that you specify is displayed only in case of outstanding A/R payments on the invoice. | Yes |
INTFAMENITYTEMPLATEASSOC | FLAG | Interface Amenity Template Association. If this check box is selected, the application allows the reservation to add the amenity templates based on the associated template or source. | Unchecked |
IPADSHOWSELECTEDOPTINS | FLAG | Select this check box to view the selected opt-ins on the Guest Consent window for Guest Stay or Guest Profile. | Unchecked |
ISSTAX | TEXT | Brazil: ISS Tax invoice export configuration. | |
ITALYCODICEFISCALE | TEXT | Specify this value to make Tax ID required when the payer country of the guest is Italy. Else, the nationality of the guest is considered. | |
ITALYDEPOSIT | TEXT | In Italy, a duty amount is imposed on the advance
deposit when the deposit amount exceeds the threshold amount. The value
must include:
Note: The values are separated using “, |, or “ symbols.
Example: DUTYSTAMP|2|77.47 |
ITALYSTAMPDUTY | TEXT | In Italy, the stamp duty is added to the invoice amount if the amount
exceeds the threshold amount (€ 77.47). Using “|” separator these values
must be included:
Example: STAMPDUTY|2|77.47 |
KEYVENDORREQ | FLAG | Used when a property has multiple key vendors. If this parameter is selected, specifying the vendor details associated with the room is mandatory, before a key can be cut. | No |
LEASEADVANCEDEPOSITREPORT | TEXT | Report Name for Lease Deposit Receipt report. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | BZLPAY |
LEASEHIRECREDITNOTEREPORT | TEXT | Report Name for Lease Hire Credit Note report. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. You must use comma delimiter (,) to include multiple reports to generate invoices from the Lease Schedule and Lease Upgrade. | BZARIV |
LEASEHIREINVOICEREPORT | TEXT | Report Name for Lease Hire Invoice report. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | BZARIV |
LEASEINCIDENTALINVOINCEREPORT | TEXT | Report Name for Lease Incidental Invoice report. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | BZARIV |
LEASEMAINTCREDITNOTEREPORT | TEXT | Report Name for Lease Maintenance Credit Note report. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | BZARIV |
LEASEMAINTINVOICEREPORT | TEXT | Report Name for Lease Maintenance Invoice report. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | BZARIV |
LEASEPROFORMAREPORT | TEXT | Report name for Lease Pro Forma Report. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report . If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | BZLPFI |
LEASERENTALCREDITNOTEREPORT | TEXT | Report Name for Lease Rental Credit Note report. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | BZARIV |
LEASERENTALINVOICEREPORT | TEXT | Report Name for Lease Rental Invoice report. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | BZARIV |
LEASESERVICECREDITNOTEREPORT | TEXT | Report Name for Lease Service Credit Note report. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | BZARIV |
LEASESERVICEINVOICEREPORT | TEXT | Report Name for Lease Service Invoice report. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | BZARIV |
LEASETAXCONDITIONDAYS | FLAG | Lease Taxation Days Condition to use Guest Stay Dates to determine eligibility. For example a company leases a room/apartment for several months. The actual guests may stay for a short period, like a week, or for a month. The Days Condition in Tax Groups uses the length of the lease to determine which tax percentage must be applied. When set to YES, the Tax Condition Base ‘Days’ refers to guest stay length instead of lease length. | No |
LIMITLOSRESTR | FLAG | Limit length of Min/Max Stay Restrictions to 7. If HMS has an interface partner that is receiving restrictions interpreted as full pattern length of stay when set to YES the min/max LOS restrictions will be limited to 7. | Unchecked |
Specify the URL of the image to display the location icon in the
application. The recommended size of the image is 18px x
Note: By default, the image is displayed from the
ImageCabinet table.
LODSITEID | TEXT | LibraOnDemand designated site ID. | |
LOYALTYMEMBERRATEPLAN | TEXT | The rate plan code used to provide special discounts that can be availed only by the loyalty members. The rate engine quotes the rate, only if the selected guest is a loyalty member. The application also displays the number of nights for which the guest uses the rate plan in the current calendar year. | |
MAJORSERVICE | TEXT | Brazil: Major Service | |
MARKETFILEDSCOPYORDER | Controls the copy order of the following Marketing fields to the guest stay when profiles and/or groups are associated: Reason For Stay, Market Segment, Source of Business, Track, Geographic Code. The Source of Business and Market Segment fields will only copy if there is no lease associated. | GRP, BA, ORG | |
MASKCOMPAUTHCODE | FLAG | This parameter determines if the comp authorizer code must be displayed in the screens where the code has to be specified. | Unchecked |
Specify the value to mask the personal information of the guest. Possible Values:
Note: Only authorized users can view the last four characters of the
passport/ID number of the guest . The vertical bar (|) must be used
as the separator for the values.
For example, PASSPORT|ID|DateOfBirth |
MAXDUPLICATERES | NUMERIC | Maximum allowed Duplicate Reservations. Maximum value allowed for duplicate reservations to be created on the Guest Stay screen. | 1 |
MEALICONURL | TEXT | URL value for the meal plan icon on the Reservation Confirmation and Cancellation Reports. | None |
MEXELECINVOICE | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the .TXT file will be created at the time the final invoice (deposit or regular invoice) is generated. | Unchecked |
MEXCURREXLIMIT | TEXT | Specify the code to define the currency (USD) exchange limit which is implemented for Mexico. The exchange limit for each a month is USD 1500 and a Mexican national can exchange up to USD 300 for a day. | Unchecked |
MEXELECINVOICECOMPANYID | TEXT | Unique Electronic Invoice Company ID | None |
MEXELECINVOICEGOVSERIESNO | TEXT | Government issued Series Number | None |
MEXELECINVOICEISHCODE | TEXT | ISH Vat code. Enter the VAT code that represents the ISH code. | None |
MEXELECINVOICEIVACODE | TEXT | IVA Vat code. Enter the VAT code that represents the IVA code. | None |
MEXELECINVOICESUPPLIERID | Text | Electronic Invoice Company Supplier ID | None |
MEXELECINVOICEYRLEGALINVOICE | Text | Year that Invoices will be valid. | None |
MIGRATEBARRATES | Flag | If this check box is selected, the rates marked as BAR are migrated to the external partner by the system. If this check box is not selected, the rates marked as BAR are not migrated to external partners by the system. | Checked |
MOBILEAUTH | Flag | Select this parameter to display an Authorization window to specify the Supervisor. After submission of the request, the supervisor receives a request for approval on the selected Supervisor’s mobile phone. This is applicable for Field Authorization, High Cash Payment authorization and Rate Update authorization. | Unchecked |
MOVECORRECTIONSTOFOLIO | TEXT | Activates the auto-move correction transactions feature and specifies which folio the system must use to record the corrected transactions. If this parameter has a valid value the system will automatically move the original and correction transactions to this folio if the sum of original and the correction transaction is zero. | Folio Type Codes |
MOVETOCORECTIONSFOLIO | TEXT | Identifies the folio to which the Original and Adjusted transactions are moved when the sum of these transactions is equal to zero. | |
MOVETOVOIDFOLIO | TEXT | Indicates the folio type specified in the Global Codes. All the transactions of a void invoice are transferred to the folio when an invoice is marked as Void. | |
NEGATIVEDISCOUNT | TEXT | Select this check box to include a negative value in the Adjustment/Discount field on the Folio tab | Checked |
Indicates how No Shows are managed for statistical purposes. If this parameter is selected, the application creates a copy of the No-Show record. The original record is re-instated (the No Show statistics are saved) and the copy is used as No Show. If this parameter is not selected, the original No Show record is re-instated. The statistics are not saved. |
NOPOSTPROMPT | FLAG | If this check box is selected, a prompt is displayed by the system if an user attempts to post on a no-post account. | Unchecked |
NRG | FLAG | If this checkbox is selected, the application displays a confirmation message that the selected guest is designated as an NRG guest. | Unchecked |
ONLINECHECKINLETTER | Flag | Select this parameter to send the invite letters for online check-in. The arrival date of the reservation must be the same as Hotel date. | |
FLAG | If this check box is selected, the online check-in invite letters for guest reservations are sent in batch, when the EOD process is executed. | Unchecked |
ONLINECHECKOUTLETTER | FLAG | Select this check box for the application to send the online check-out invite letters. | |
ONLINECHECKOUTLETTERBYEOD | FLAG | Select the property parameter to enable the EOD process. This sends online check-out invite letters in batch. | Unchecked |
Specify the Registration Card report that must be displayed during the online check-in process instead of the base HMS registration card. Note: Registration Card specified in the parameter REGCARDREPORT is not considered. |
OPTINFIVE | Text | Specify the values for the opt-ins that must not be displayed to the guest, when Opt-in 5 values are displayed on the Registration card. You must use comma (,) to separate the values. The available values are 1,2,3, and 4 | |
Specify this value to merge specific Organization and Booking Agency field values . You can specify multiple values. Possible values:
Specify this value to merge specific Organization and Booking Agency field values through a third-party interface . You can specify multiple values. Possible values:
PACKAGEICONURL | TEXT | URL value for the meal plan icon on the Reservation Confirmation and Cancellation Reports | None |
PACKAGETAXTOTALADJUSTMENT | FLAG | When Package Tax Total Adjustment check box is selected, the system invokes special logic when calculating the tax on a package or bundle that ensure the taxes are derived from the totals to avoid round off accumulation from the details. | Unchecked |
PASSPORTIMAGERETENTIONPERIOD | NUMERIC | Number of days to retain the passport image. Zero means it is never removed. If an image associated with a Guest or Guest Profile is past the retention period, it is removed. | 0 |
PASSPORTSCANRETENTIONPERIOD | NUMERIC | Number of Hours to retain scanned passport data. | 3 |
PEPPOLID | TEXT | Specify the Peppol ID to run the Peppol Online Invoicing interface. | |
PEPPOLFISCALID | Text | The unique customer ID used by the Peppol interface to identify the property within the Peppol network.. | Blank |
PEPPOLEXTERNALPARTNERID | Text | The External Partner ID of the Peppol Interface which is used by the third-party provider to identify the property. | Blank |
PEPPOLPROVIDER | Text | The name of the provider that communicates with the Peppol platform.
There are several providers that can send A/R Tax Invoices in XML format
from HMS to the Peppol platform. For example, Comarch-DENMARK, Comarch-SWEDEN, and ScanCloud. |
Blank |
Specify the URL of the image to display the phone icon in the for the
phone icon. The recommended size of the image is 18px x 18px.
By default, the image is displayed from the ImageCabinet
PAYAUTHINTERFACE | FLAG | Allows user to turn off the Payment Authorization screen if not using a credit card interface. When set to YES the Payment Authorization screen will be invoked (interface used). When set to NO the Payment Authorization screens are not invoked and the property authorizes manually (no interface used). | Checked |
POLICREPORTHEADER | Text | The unique details of the property that are assigned
by the Portugal Tourism Office (SEF). Note: These
details are included in the Portugal Police report which is
generated in the .dat format.
POSADJREASON | FLAG | Select this check box to enable the Posting Adjustment Reason field in the Folio tab when posting an Adjustment or a Discount or Void using HMS. | Unchecked |
POSTROUNDINGDIFFERENCE | TEXT | The value specified in this parameter identifies the Transaction Code that is used to post a Rounding Difference to the Folio. If there is a cash payment or cash advance payment, this transaction code is used to post a rounding difference that is defined in the Maintain Currency screen. | |
POSVOIDINSTRUCTION | Text | Set this parameter to manage the Void charges posted
from POS. Possible values:
PREVENTNEGATIVEPOST | FLAG | Select this parameter to validate and prevent posting
a negative value amount on the Folio tab, Fast Posting screen, and
Account Charge Posting screen. Note: The
application allows the negative value in adjustments and
Unchecked |
PROCESSDEBITASCREDIT | FLAG | If you select the check box, debit cards are processed by the same procedure as are the credit cards. If you do not select the check box, debit cards can be used for a sale transaction only and must use the Chip and Pin device. | Checked |
PROFORMAEVENT | TEXT | Event pro forma report. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report . If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | None |
PRIORITYCLEAN | TEXT | Email address for sending priority room clean related messages which are used to notifying concerned personnel (housekeeping) about the need to clean a room quickly for arriving guest. | None |
PRIORITYCLEANDEPARTMENT | TEXT | Specify the Department Code to enable the Send Priority Clean Email check box. | HSKP |
RATESBYCONTROLSEGMENT | FLAG | Select this parameter to display all the rate plans on the Rate Shopping screen if the value of the Control Segment is same for the Rate Plan and the guest. | Unchecked |
RATESHOP | TEXT | Indicates the type of External Rate Shopping. The values are Single Rate, Multiple Rate and Multiple Room Type | Inactive |
Select this check box to include the overbooking count in the
available room count when shopping is done externally for Room
Availability and Room Rates.
Note: This check
box is applicable only when the EXTAVAIL property parameter is
Unchecked |
RATESHOPBYDAY | FLAG | Select this check box and the property parameter RATESHOP to enable the Rate Shop by Day check box on the Rate Shopping screen. | unchecked |
RATESHOPWEEKEND | TEXT | Enables you to select the days that
can be set as weekend on the Rate Shop screen. The background color of
the selected days is displayed in Grey. Possible options are:
6,7 |
REALTIMEPOSCCINCRAUT | FLAG | If the Value check box is selected, the Infor HMS receives the incremental authorization amounts of the reservation for the charges received from InfoGenesis POS. | Unchecked |
REGCARD | NUMERIC | Registration card start sequence number. The value specified indicates the starting number from which to begin generating unique, sequential numbers for registration cards. | None |
REGCARDNUMPERGUEST | TEXT | Registration Card Number per Guest. Indicates the guest
categories of the additional guests which requires a unique, sequential
registration card number. Note: This parameter is enabled, only if the property
parameter REGCARD is not specified.
None |
REGCARDNUMATCHECKIN | FLAG | Registration Card Number at Check-in. If this check box
is selected and unique, sequential registration card number is not yet
assigned to the guest, the number is assigned during Check-in. Note: This parameter is enabled, only if the property
parameter REGCARD is not specified.
None |
REGCARDREPORT | TEXT | Registration card report. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | None |
REPLOGOS | TEXT | Property report logo. Specifies the URL location of the
logo to use for reports for the property. For example: ../yourcompany/images/cmp_logo.gif |
None |
Property Report Logo The URL of the property logo image file to be used in Jasper reports
and forms.
Note: The image must be of the
standard size (300 px-width X 100 px-height).
This parameter determines if the comp authorization is required for the reservations with rates that do not include an authorization code for the comp billing profile. Select this check box to view the Comp Authorization window. However, if not selected the created comp record is inactive. |
Checked |
Specify this value to indicate the required fields mandatory on the Player Enrollment and Update window. Possible values:
REQUIREDONOTMOVEREASON | FLAG | Controls if do not move reason is required. If this check box is selected, you cannot select the Do Not Move field on a guest stay, unless the do not move reason is specified. | Unchecked |
REQUSERAUTHCASH | FLAG | Require user authentication when posting transactions that affect the cash bank. If the check box is selected, the user password field on the screen will be required whenever they post a transaction that impacts the cash bank. If the password entered does not match the session user the system will prevent the posting. | No |
Identifies the guest profile. Available values:
RESTRICTPROFILEDATABYPROP | Flag | Select this check box to restrict the user from viewing and adding notes, preferences and restrictions for properties that are not configured for the user. | Unchecked |
RESORTFEE | TEXT | Indicates the default resort fee code. You can define the code in the Resort Fee Definition screen. | None |
RESORTFEESTAYDATE | FLAG | Select this parameter to enable the Resort Fee related fields in the
Stay Wizard window. Note:
Unchecked |
RLEVELTORATE | FLAG | If this check box is selected, and a booking restriction is created for a rate level, then, the system generates an interface event for each rate plan that contains that rate level. | Unchecked |
RMSPROPERTYCODE | TEXT | The unique property identifier assigned by an RMS partner system. Specify the property identifier. | None |
ROOMHOLDREL | TEXT | Room hold release minutes. Specifies the amount of time
in minutes that a room is held by default. Note: Specific processes may request different release
times. If an application does not specify a length of time to hold
the room, the value specified for ROOMHOLDREL is used.
15 |
ROOMPLANCONFIRM | FLAG | If this check box is selected a confirmation message is received on changing the arrival/departure date or room type of a guest stay in the Room Plan page. | |
ROOMROTATIONOPTION | TEXT | This parameter determines if room rotation
functionality is used. Options are:
Note: The room rotation option can also be set on the
Room Type. If the Room Type has a value, that value is used. If the
Room Type has no value, the Property Parameter value is used.
RPSTYPE | TEXT | RPS Type | None |
REQROOMPREREG | FLAG | If this parameter is selected, the room number must be specified for the guest reservation with Pre-Registered status. | Unchecked |
SALESSTRATEGY | TEXT | Default Sales Strategy to be used for the Property. | None |
SAFTCASHVATSCHEME | Numeric | The Cash Vat Scheme Indicator, which is output in the
SAF-T extract and printed on A/R Payment Receipt
report. Possible values:
SHAREDEPART | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the EOD process does not stop and extends by one day any share components due to depart the current hotel date. If this check box is clear, the EOD process stops with warning and share components are not extended. | Checked |
SECONDCURRENCYSHOWN | TEXT | Use this parameter to define the default Guest currency which is different from the Property currency. The tax invoice generated for this guest displays the additional gross amount based on the configured currency type. | |
SENDARINVOICES | NUMERIC | Specify this value to send all A/R Tax Invoices or
only A/R Tax Invoices with Peppol e-invoice check box to a third party
system. Possible values:
0 |
Indicates the transaction codes that are used to calculate the service charge tax amount. You must specify the list of transaction codes that are defined on the Transaction Code screen. Note: You must use comma (,) separator to specify
multiple codes.
SCIFCODE | FLAG | Select this check box to identify the interface code used by the Sales and Catering group interface for the property. | Unchecked |
SHOWSAVECOPY | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the PDF generated is displayed. A copy of the PDF must be generated by the application to avoid discrepancies with the original PDF. The boiler text (Copy) indicates that the PDF is a copied version. | Unchecked |
SHOWLOGOINEMAILS | Flag | Select this check box to set the value of the report parameter
SEL_SHOWLOGO to pos(+1). Consequently, when an e-mail is generated, the
logo is included in the document. Note: The
default report parameter setting is applied if this check box is not
Unchecked |
Select this check box to display the overbooking count as a separate
value, within the parentheses (), on the Rate
Shop and Hotel Availability
Note: The count is applicable for the
Property and Room Type level.
Unchecked |
SHOWSAVECOPYLR | NUMERIC | Determines the alignment of the text
(Copy); from left to right side of the PDF or vice versa. Note: The SHOWSAVECOPY parameter must be
100 |
SHOWSAVECOPYUD | NUMERIC | Determines the alignment of the text
(Copy). The text is displayed at the beginning or towards the end of the
document, in the PDF. Note: The SHOWSAVECOPY parameter must be
-60 |
SHOWSAVECOPYV | NUMERIC | Controls the vertical angle of the
text (Copy). Note: The SHOWSAVECOPY parameter must be
0 |
SHAREEXTEND | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the EOD process does not stop and automatically extends any share components due to depart the current hotel date by one day. If this check box is clear, the EOD process stops with warnings and no share components are extended. | Unchecked |
SIGNATURECAPTUREREGCARD | FLAG | Signature capture for registration card sent to iPad in
the Check In screen when
button is selected, or in the Guest Stay when registration card is
selected to print. When set to Yes, registration card is sent to the
device for the guest to sign and the system writes a PDF file to the
Guest Stay with the signed Registration Card. This will replace any
existing signed registration card document. The registration card is
stored on the Documents tab of the Guest
Stay screen whenever a card is generated. Note: The signature capture iPad must be identified as
devices on HMS. Device Type is IPAD.
No |
SIGNATURECAPTUREINVOICE | FLAG | Select this parameter to send the Lease Invoices, Payment Invoices, and Tax Invoices to iPad Signature App. | Unchecked |
SIGNATURECAPTUREFOLIO | FLAG | Select the check box to send the folio to iPad Signature app. This enables to print the folio. | Unchecked |
SIGNCAPSENDTODEVICECOUNT | FLAG | Select this check box to print the tax invoice using
the signature capture device and enable the tax invoice copy
functionality. Note: This increments the print count of tax
Unchecked |
Support Client ID. This parameter is used for the Help Chat at Property Level. |
Support Client Name. This parameter is used for the Help Chat at Property Level |
SMRFSHOWSAVECOPYLR | TEXT | The value allows to position the Copy Text from left
to right on the tax invoice receipt, only. Note:
60 |
SMRFSHOWSAVECOPYV | TEXT | The value assists to move the Copy Text in the
vertical angle on the tax invoice receipt, only. Note:
-60 |
SMRFSHOWSAVECOPYV | TEXT | The value assists to position the Copy Text in the
vertical angle on the tax invoice receipt, only. Note:
0 |
Send Derived Rate Detail by Partner. Enables the application to determine if the rate details of the derivative (adjustment) rate plans must be sent to the partner or not. Generally, the rate configuration with percentage discount and base rate of the rate plan is sent to the partner. The HMS sends the rate plan details if the partner code is not included in the list of values specified in this parameter. The comma (,) delimiter is used to include the partner codes. The rate details are not sent for the included codes. |
STARTHEADER | TEXT | Start Header | None |
STATEWHEREHOTELISHOSTED | TEXT | State where hotel is hosted | None |
STORECONF | FLAG | Store Pro Forma document. When set to Yes, Pro Forma documents are stored on the Documents tab of the Guest Stay screen whenever they are generated. | Unchecked |
STOREFOLIO | FLAG | Store folio document. When set to Yes, folio documents are stored on the Documents tab of the Guest Stay screen whenever a folio is generated. | Unchecked |
STOREREGCARD | FLAG | Store registration card document. When set to Yes, registration card documents are stored on the Documents tab of the Guest Stay screen whenever a card is generated. | Unchecked |
TAPDY | NUMERIC | Tax invoice pay by days. Indicates the number days until a payment is due following the generation of an invoice. | 1.00 |
TAXCRO | TEXT | Tax invoice correction notice report name. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard tax deposit invoice report . If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | None |
TAXADDID | Text | This additional tax ID used for tax invoicing. | |
TAXDECR | TEXT | Indicates that the Deposit Tax Invoice Correction Report is printed. | BZPODI |
TAXDPO | TEXT | Tax deposit invoice report name. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard tax deposit invoice report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | None |
TAXID | TEXT | Tax ID. Specifies the hotel's tax ID to use for tax invoicing. | None |
TAXIDREQUIRED | FLAG | Tax ID is required. The Tax ID must be specified on the Tax Invoicing screen before you can create an invoice. | Unchecked |
TAXIIO | TEXT | Info tax invoice report name. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard informational tax invoice report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | None |
TAXINO | TEXT | Tax invoice report name. Indicates whether to use a custom report instead of the standard tax invoice report. If no value is specified, the standard report is used by default. | None |
TAXINO2 | TEXT | Specify the Tax Invoice Receipt Format Report Name to print the final tax invoice in the receipt format. | BZTIRF |
TAXINV | FLAG | Tax invoicing. Specifies whether tax invoicing features are enabled or disabled. Refer to Tax invoices for more information. | Unchecked |
TAXINVATPAYMENT | FLAG | Select this check box to generate the tax invoice when the payment is received. | Unchecked |
TAXINVCITYTAXCOL | FLAG | If the check box is selected, a column for City Tax is added to the standard tax invoice report. | Unchecked |
TAXINVCURRENCY | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the currency options are enabled on the Tax Invoicing tab. This is for Iceland. | Unchecked |
TAXINVFORMAT | Integer | Determines the format used to print Tax Invoices.
Possible values:
0 |
TAXINVZEROBALANCEONLY | FLAG | User can generate a tax invoice only if the invoice balance is zero. | Unchecked |
TAXINVPACKCONTENT | FLAG | Enables the use of Package Content field for tax invoice transactions. If this check box is selected, the Package Content field displays the transaction code and the Package Details. | Unchecked |
TAXINVPERPAYMENT | FLAG | Tax invoicing per payment or deposit. Indicates if the property uses payment based tax invoicing such as for Thailand market. If this check box is selected, the system displays payments, deposits or correction postings as separate line in the tax invoice and enables tax invoicing for those payments/financial transactions. If this check box is clear, the system continues as normal . | Unchecked |
TAXINVZEROBALPAYMENTREQ | FLAG | User must only be able to generate a tax invoice if the invoice balance is zero and the folio contains both, payments and charges. If this check box is selected, and the user tries to generate an invoice for an account that is not zero balance or has only charges but no payments or has only payments but no charges, an error is displayed and the Invoice will not be generated. | Unchecked |
TAXINVMULTIDETAILS | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the tax invoice includes lines with tax details in the Multi-Tax Details section when multiple inclusive taxes are applicable for the transaction. | Unchecked |
TAXINVPERPAYMENT | FLAG | Tax invoicing per payment or deposit. Indicates if the property uses payment based tax invoicing such as for Thailand market. If this check box is selected, the system displays payments, deposits or correction postings as separate line in the tax invoice and enables tax invoicing for those payments/financial transactions. If this check box is clear, the system continues as normal . | Unchecked |
TAXVID | Text | The parameter is used for storing the Hotel VAT
ID. Note: You cannot modify this value if the
FISCAL property parameter is set to PT after a tax relevant document
has been created for the property.
TAXWRITEOFFACCOUNT | Text | Indicates the account that is used to write-off the
tax postings. Note:
DETAILTAXINVTYPE | FLAG | Indicates if the payment tax invoicing needs to use the detail sequence numbering. If this check box is selected, system displays the detail of the tax invoice type in the Tax Invoicing screen. If this check box is clear, the system continues as normal. | Unchecked |
TAXINVCOPYQTY | Integer | Indicates the number of copies that the tax invoice is printed. | 1 |
TAXINVVOID | TEXT | Indicates action that are performed
on the voided invoice:
TAX INVOICEATPAYMENT | FLAG | If this check box is selected, tax invoices are generated when a payment is received. | Unchecked |
TAXINVOICE CREDITNOTICE REQRSN | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the user must specify a Correction Reason and Method to generate a credit notice for Standard Tax Invoicing. | Unchecked |
VATTRANSACTION | TEXT | Identifies the VAT transaction code for reporting. Many transaction codes can be marked as VAT tax. This code is used when a report needs to display a single code to represent all the transaction codes of type VAT. | None |
VATTAXGROUP | TEXT | Identifies the tax group used to calculate advance payment taxes. This tax group is used for invoice at payment tax invoicing functionality. If there is an advance payment, this tax group is used to calculate the estimated taxes. | None |
TAXPLC | TEXT | Invoice PDF location. Specifies the
storage location for a permanent PDF copy of tax invoices. Caution: The storage location that you define
must contain a back slash (\) at the end of the directory path. For
The filename for the PDF is generated in the following format:
<Property Code>.<Invoice
Type>.<AccountID>.<InvoiceNumber>.pdf . |
None |
TAXVID | TEXT | Tax VAT ID. Specifies the hotel's VAT tax ID to use for tax VAT invoicing. | None |
TRACKLOSTBIZ | FLAG | Track Lost Business in Guest Stay. | |
TWITTERID | TEXT | Twitter user name for Infor10 Workspace Twitter Web part. Multiple Twitter user names can be specified by using a comma to separate them. | None |
TXEXFD | TEXT | Tax exempt field. Specifies the code to insert in the Tax Exempt field on the Guest Stay screen during end of day processing when a "Days" tax condition is met on the Property Default Room Transaction Code. | None |
TXIDUNIQ | FLAG | When this parameter is selected, each Tax ID must be unique. The Tax ID must not be used on any other Guest, Booking Agency, or Organization profile. | Unchecked |
TXIDVERF | TEXT | If a value is present, the system ensures that a proper number is entered into the Tax ID field. | None |
TYPEOFTAXATION sum of postings of transaction codes | TEXT |
This parameter is used to calculate additional tax percentage in Brazil. You can define the service charge transaction codes, tax percentage, and store rental transaction codes using the pipeline delimiter to calculate the Total Taxable. <SVC Trans Code>,<SVC Trans Code>|<Tax Percentage>|<Store Rental Trans Code>,<Store Rental Trans Code> For example: 7510|67|6500 Formula: Total Taxable = TXH_NOTTAXEDEXTERNALLY - sum of postings of transaction codes defined TYPEOFTAXATION property parameter - (sum of postings of transaction code defined in TYPEOFTAXATION property parameter *(value of TYPEOFTAXATION property parameter /100)) |
None |
UITHEME | TEXT | Enables the use of a custom web style sheet and associated images. | None |
UNDERPREAUTH | FLAG | If the check box is selected, it indicates that the
property allows a guest account to check-in with a credit card
settlement type and where the preauthorized amount is greater than zero
but below the system calculated authorized amount. If the check box is clear, it indicates that the property does not allow an account to check-in with a credit card settlement type where the preauthorized amount is below the system calculated authorized amount. |
Unchecked |
UNHIDECONTACTFIELDS | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the hidden fields are displayed. If this check box is cleared, the hidden fields on a pop-up are not displayed. | Unchecked |
Specify this parameter to update the Last Cleaned field on the Room Status Update screen. When the status of the room is set to the specified value, the application updates the date and time in the Last Cleaned field. The comma (,) delimiter is used. |
UPDATEDSOLDSCOUNT | TEXT | This value is used to determine the method of counting
the UpdatedSolds for Revenue Management and Opportunity Cost
Calculation. This field can be set to:
USEGUESTRATING | FLAG | Used by US Military for Guest Rating functionality. If this check box is selected, the guest is limited to room types within the rating assigned to the guest. | Unchecked |
Select this check box to enable the Use Scan check box in the Guest
Stay – Guest Details tab.
Note: For Hungary,
this check box must be selected.
Unchecked |
USELONGAMOUNTSFORPACKAGETAX | Flag | Select this check box to use the long tax amounts for calculating the package tax and adjusting the package item tax. This is applicable to inclusive and additional taxes. The property parameter Package Tax Total Adjustment must not be selected. | Unchecked |
VOIDCOMPFORNOSHOW | FLAG | If this check box is selected, the application voids or cancels a comp of the no-show transaction, when a reservation status is modified to No-Show. | Checked |
VVIP | FLAG | Used to enable the VVIP functionality. If this check box is selected, the Very Very Important guest details can be viewed only by the authorized users. | Unchecked |
Specify the UDF field associated with the guest profile that the application must consider to determine the global stays of the guest. For example: PRF_UDFCHAR08 PRF_UDFNUM08 |
WLKINCASHPOST | FLAG | Controls the posting of Cash/Check. If this check box is selected, the user can post cash/check on the Walk-In screen. If this check box is cleared, the user is not allowed to post cash/check on the Walk-In screen. | Checked |
WLKINGTD | TEXT | Indicates the default Guarantee for walk in guest stays. | None |
ZERORATEPOST | FLAG | Allows the ability to post a rate with a zero amount to the folio. When set to YES the a zero rate can be posted. When set to NO no line is posted to the folio. | Unchecked |
HMSCRM | FLAG | HMS is used as CRM for the Guest Profile lookup funtionality. If this check box is selected, the guest profile lookup functionality uses HMS CRS (Central Reservation System) as the CRM to store and retrieve profile information. | Unchecked |
TRANSFERFROMGSTLEDLSETRANCODE | TEXT | The transaction code, for lease accounts defaulted as the posting code on reports which report revenue that is transferred to A/R from the guest ledger. | Unchecked |
TRANSFERFROMGSTLEDTRANCODE | TEXT | The transaction code, for non lease accounts defaulted as the posting code on reports which report revenue that is transferred to A/R from the guest ledger. | Unchecked |