Configuring Additional Databridge Partners

Configure the partners of your Databridge network to enable communication between Databridge and its integration partners. By default, the Databridge installation auto-populates the system with pre-defined partners. You can add additional partners as necessary.

Refer to the following descriptions of the pre-defined partners:

  • My enterprise (*)—The "My enterprise" partner represents thisInfor HMS instance itself to which to connect the external applications using Databridge.
    The system uses the * code assigned as the Partner code for the Infor HMS system. You can modify the partner Description as necessary, but you cannot delete this record.

    You must select a Infor HMS user as the Databridge system user, and then enter the user ID and password of that user for the * (My enterprise) partner. The system presets DATABRIDGEINTERNALUSER as the Databridge system user. In most cases, you do not need to change this built-in system user.

  • Liason (LIASON)—Liason is a interface engine that works with Infor HMS to connect various third party interfaces.
  • End-of-day processor (ENDOFDAYPROCESSOR)
  • SMTP Server for Email (SMTPSVR)
  • The Infor ION Partner (ION)
  • Epitome LTS Adapter - Group Migration (LTS-ADAPTER)
  • Epitome HTNG Adapter - Group Migration (HTNG-PMS)

To configure additional Databridge partners:

  1. Select Administration > Databridge > Databridge Partners. The List View tab is displayed.
  2. Specify the partner to configure, and then click the Record View tab. The Record View tab is displayed. The partner description, Partner ID, and Active are automatically populated.
    Note: Active must be selected for the * partner for any outbound documents to be generated. You can unselect this flag to temporarily stop the generation of outbound documents. The events occurring during the period when the flag is unselected are stored, and the outbound document is generated for them when the flag is selected.

    When the Active flag is unselected for one of the other partners, the inbound documents from that partner are not be accepted by Databridge.

  3. Specify this information:
    Enter or modify the description for your enterprise if necessary.
    Partner ID
    Modify the ID code by which to identify the partner in the business documents exchanged with the partner.
    Select to indicate that the Databridge partner is active. If unchecked, no events will be sent to the partner.
    Default Property
    Enter the default property associated with the partner.
    Special Handling
    Enter a customized processor for special handling of logging into the Databridge server. For most cases leave this field blank.
    Authentication Scheme
    The authentication method for the partner to access HMS using API. The available options are:
    • basic
    • hmsapiauth
    • hmsguestauth
    Note: An authentication method assigned to a partner cannot be used for another partner. In case the same authentication method is used, the application displays a message.
    • Click Yes to assign the authentication method to the new partner. The authentication method is no longer applicable to the existing partner.
    • Click No to modify the authentication method.

    For example, hmsapiauth is assigned to an existing partner (A). You cannot assign the hmsapiauth authentication method to a new partner (B).

    Infor HMS User ID
    Enter the user ID code identifying the Infor HMS user. All inbound Databridge transactions from the partner are process using the Infor HMS user specified by this user ID.
    Infor HMSPassword
    Enter the password for the Infor HMS user.
    Note: For the * partner, you must enter the Infor HMS User ID and Infor HMS Password for the Infor HMS user selected as the system user of the Databridge server. For other partners, you must enter a Infor HMS User ID and Infor HMS Password for a Infor HMS user to run business transactions for the partner.
    For inbound processing, enter the URL to which to send the confirmation messages. For outbound processing, enter the default URL to which to send outbound documents.
    Login ID
    Enter the code used to log into the receiving system.
    Login Password
    Enter the password used to log into the receiving system.
    Note: If you are upgrading from a previous version of Databridge, the values entered for Login ID and Login Password must be the webMethods Integration Server administrator's user ID and password.

    If you are sending outbound documents to a file folder location using the Databridge partner file utility, enter PartnerFile into the Address field, and leave the following Login ID and Login Password blank.

    Response Special Handling
    Enter a customized processor for special handling of the delivery of messages to the partner's receiving system.
    Log request/Response messages
    If this check box is selected, the application logs the request messages and the response details.
  4. Click Save.