Creating user groups
To create user groups:
Setting up menus for user groups
Set up menus on the Menus page of the User Groups form. Creating a menu structure for user groups is critical to database security and data integrity. The menu structure is displayed in a tree structure that extends to four levels—one Main Menu level, two Sub-Menu levels, and one Screen level. The Main Menu level may contain up to seven items. The Sub-Menu level may contain up to 50 items, and the items may be a mix of folders and screens. Finally, the Screen level may contain up to 50 items, but the items must be screens.
To set up menus for user groups:
Showing menu items
Show a folder, screen, or tab that is hidden in the tree structure.
To show menu items:
- Select form.
- On the List View tab, select the user group for which to show menu items, and then click the Menus tab. The Menus tab is displayed.
- Select the folder, screen, or tab to show, and then click Show Menu Item. The hidden item is displayed.
- Click .
Hiding menu items
Hide a folder, screen, or tab that is displayed in the tree structure.
To hide menu items:
- Select User Groups.
- On the List View tab, select the user group for which to hide menu items, and then click the Menus tab. The Menus tab is displayed.
- Select the folder, screen, or tab to hide, and then click Hide Menu Item. The system hides the item.
- Click .
Adding main menu folders
To add main menu folders:
Adding sub-menu folders
To add sub-menu folders:
Changing label names
Change the label name of any menu item in the tree structure.
To change label names:
Changing screen tab orders
Change screen tab orders to change the order that the tabs appear on the screen.
To change screen tab orders:
Copying menus
Copy menus from one user group to another user group.
To copy menus: