Creating city centers

Create city centers to add information regarding urban areas of interest for properties on the Configure Location Settings page.

To create city centers:

  1. Select Administration > Property > Location Settings.
  2. Select the City Centers check box as the Location Type.
  3. In the Add New City Center section, enter the City and click Add New.
  4. Specify this information:
    Select the city center country.
    Specify the city center state.
    Specify the city center city.
    Specify the city center latitude.
    Specify the city center longitude.
  5. Choose one or more of these options to filter the available properties: Filter By Country, Filter By State, or Keyword.
  6. Click Display Available Cities.
  7. Select the property to associate with the point of interest from the list of available properties and click Add. The property is added to the Selected Properties list.
  8. Click Save.