Creating and modifying screens
Create new screens or modify existing screens by associating icons with screens and setting background-printing parameters for reports.
Note: To view a list of current screens in the system, run the Function List Report.
To create or modify screens:
- Select Administration > Setup > Screens.
- On the List View tab, click New Record. A new Record View tab is displayed.
- Screen—Enter a unique six-character mnemonic code for the new screen, and then enter a brief description of the screen in the adjacent field.
- Class—Enter the class of the screen.
- Form Type—Select the form type for this screen.
- Parent—Enter the screen on which this new screen is based.
- Last Value Entity—Enter the entity used by the system to "remember" the primary key field in this screen.
- Icon—Enter the name of an existing icon file to associate an icon with the screen.
- Report—Enter a report that prints (in the background) using the selected data on a screen. Also, specify background report parameters to use with this functionality.
Startup Mode—Select the stage of the query process in which the screen opens.
- No Action—Select to open the form without running a Dataspy or displaying records.
- Run Dataspy—Select to open the form with the default Dataspy and to highlight the first record in the list.
- Remember Dataspy—Select to open the form with the last remembered Dataspy (within the current session) with quick filter and quick sort for the form and to highlight the first record in the list.
- Remember Last Value—Select to open the form with the last remembered value for the screen.
- Employee Filter—Enter the employee type to apply to the screen.
URL Path—Enter the URL location of the screen.
Note: Enter up to three parameters (:user, :password, or :org) in the URL Path to pass values to the new screen. These values must be entered in lowercase.
- Open URL in New Window—Select to display the URL in a new browser window.
Click Save.
Note: After defining a new screen, you must authorize users to use the new screen.
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