Creating a GoBD Extract

Use the GoBD Extract page to launch the GoBD extract process. The GoBD/GDPdu extract enables the German and Austrian tax payers to maintain and access the financial and tax related data, for a 10 year time period on the HMS.

  1. Select Administration > Extracts > GoBD Extract.
  2. In the Extract Details section, specify the information that you require. See additional details about these fields:
    Start Date
    Specify the date from which you want to create the extract. The default value is Hotel Date -1.
    End Date
    Specify the date up to which you want to create the extract. The default value is Hotel Date -1.
    If this check box is selected, the account details are included in the extract.
    Advanced Deposits
    If this check box is selected, the advanced deposits details are included in the extract.
    A/R Invoices
    If this check box is selected, A/R invoices are included in the extract. For an A/R invoice, the corresponding sub-ordinate AR_Charge records are also included in the extract.
    A/R Journal
    If this check box is selected, A/R charges, A/R payments, and A/R invoices are included in the extract. For an A/R charge, all the linked AR charge detail records must be extracted, even if their Transaction Date is empty or does not match the export period.
    Cashier Banking Journal
    If this check box is selected, Cashier Banking Journal details are included in the extract.
    If this check box is selected, the event details are included in the extract.
    Guest Stays
    If this check box is selected, the reservation stays and reservation details are included in the extract.
    If this check box is selected, the lease details are included in the extract.
    Posting Journal
    If this check box is selected, the folio charges that are posted are included in the extract.
    Sundry Journal
    If this check box is selected, the Sundry Check Item, Sundry Check Item Modifiers, Sundry Check Tax and Sundry Check Payments details are included in the extract.
    Tax Invoices
    If this check box is selected, the Tax Invoice Transactions and Tax Invoice Processes details are included in the extract.
  3. Click Create Extract to start the extract process.
  4. Click Reset Screen to view if the extract is completed.
    Note: The Process Details section displays the number of files created, and errors if any.
  5. Select the specified extract file from the list of the available files.
  6. Alternatively, click Clear to set the default values.
  7. Click Actions > Start Download. The DTD file (static file, issued by the government), the Index.xml file and all selected extract files and their corresponding crc-files are copied to the default download path setup on the browser. The crc-file conversion is done with the complete file and not based only on the string content of the file. The algorithm used for conversion can be provided to tax auditors if requested.