Guest Stay
Front Desk > Guest Stay
Use the Guest Stay page to create reservations, walk in guest, and maintain guest stay details.
Related topics
- Configuring folio comp
- Comp accounting overview
- Processing a chip and pin payment card
- Share check-in
- Payment card authorizations
- Payment card under-authorizations
- Direct manual posting of items on folio - Overview
- Posting an item directly on the folio
- Creating guest reservations
- Reservation status
- Duplicating guest reservations
- Associated Reservations
- Searching for a guest profile
- Setting the guest cleaning schedule
- Setting an arriving guests room to priority clean
- Assigning a guest room
- Checking in a guest from a guest reservation
- Checking out a guest from a guest reservation
- Printing a guest folio
- Emailing documents
- Generating room keys
- Printing a guest registration card
- Upgrading a guest stay with an add-on
- Viewing guest stay rate details
- Modifying guest stay reservations using the stay wizard
- Understanding guest stay flags
- Working with guest stay action buttons
- About social media fields
- Canceling reservations
- Capturing lost business reasons
- Creating shares
- Joining a share
- Splitting rates for shares
- Removing a guest from a share
- Modifying shares using the stay wizard
- Viewing rate details for a share
- Adding a trace, alert, or locator to a guest stay
- Adding a trace, alert, or locator to multiple guest stays
- Adding preferences to a guest stay
- Booking an activity
- Adding the activity participants
- Configuring Activity Booking Traces
- Adding add-ons to the guest stay
- Using the Activity Booking List
- Using the Activity Lookup
- Using the Activity Booking Calendar
- Pro-Forma Tax Invoice