Hotel Availability
Use the Hotel Availability screen to search the rates and availability of rooms in all the properties associated with the user. Initially, the result includes information related to Room Rates for 14 days starting from the specified Start Date.
You can view the list of available room types below the property summary information and building based on the specified sales strategy in the search criteria. Similarly, the list of rate plans is grouped for each room type. Each cell in the grid displays the rate of the room for a date as per the room plan.
You can use the various icons available on the screen, such as Property, Room Type, Suite, Rate, Meal, and Package to view respective additional information. You can also review the information in the Availability Details panel for the selected room rate. The Availability Details panel displays data for the Property, Room Type and Building level.
You can use these icons to view rates for other dates,
(Page Left): Displays information for 14 days prior to the current date.
(Page Right): Displays information for 14 days after the current date.
(Day Left): Displays information for the previous day.
(Day Right): Displays information for the next day.
You can view the rates for the specific day(s) shaded when the value is specified for the RATESHOPWEEKEND property parameter.