31 Day Room Type Availability

Use the 31 Day Room Type Availability Report to view all the room types, including the availability by day, for a maximum of 31 days.

Note: The room types with status set to active, are only included in the report.

To generate this report:

  1. Go to Administration > Reports > Forecast and Availability > 31 Day Room Type Availability Report.
  2. Specify this information in the Report Parameter section:
    The property code for which the report is generated. This value is defaulted.
    Note: You can select and modify multiple property codes.
  3. In the Report Options section, select:
    • Include OOO check box to include the rooms with the work order status set to OOO, in the list of available rooms. By default, this check box is selected.
    • Include OOI check box to include the rooms with the work order status set to OOI, in the list of available rooms. By default, this check box is selected.
    • Include Suite Room Types check box to include the Suite Room Types in the report.
    • The rooms listed in this section are not considered for the Occupancy % calculations (Number of occupied rooms/ Total number of rooms in the hotel).
    • This information is displayed only for properties with suite rooms.
  4. Select the Start Date and the End Date in the Date Range section. The report includes a day column for each day in the selected date range.
    • The rooms with the selected report date same as or later than the Inventory Start Date are only included in the report.
    • The rooms with the selected report date same as or prior to the Inventory End Date are only included in the report and these rooms are considered to be Available.
  5. Click Print.
    The report displays various room types and the number of available rooms for each day for the specific property based on the selected date range. The report also includes:
    • The Occupancy %.
    • The available rooms with different Suite Room Types.