City Tax Report Hamburg

Use this screen to generate the Hamburg City Tax report which is used by properties in Hamburg that have to provide an official form to the Financial Authorities, every quarter.

The report includes statistical data of the Hamburg city tax related to the guest stays. The report is generated only for guest stays with In-house and Checked-out status.

The summary section of the report displays Total Bednights, Bednights exempt from City Tax, and Bednights subject to city tax. The Bednight Count includes Adult and Children count and Day use and depends on the selected date range. The data includes occupancies (number of bed nights) and tax totals based on the Net Rate Range. The Net Rate Range per Person controls the amount of City Tax to be posted in Hamburg.
Note: The application does not post City Tax if Net Rate Range is less than 10,00 EUR. However, the amount for Bednights is displayed.


  • The Date Range is between January 1st and March 31st
  • Hotel Date is April 2nd
  • Reservation 1: December 28th to January 5th for one Adult
  • Reservation 2: January 3rd for one Adult

The bednight count for Reservation 1 is 4 ( 1st – 2nd, 2nd – 3rd, 3rd – 4th,4th -5th ) and Reservation 2 is one Day use which is 1 bednight.