Philippines Back Office Extract

Use the Philippines Back Office Extract screen to generate back-office extract for the hotels in Philippines. You can generate files for these three methods :
  • BIR Extract
  • Output Tax Alphalist
  • Official Receipt Register

The generated extracts are uploaded to the government website to comply with the tax regulations of the country.

The extracts are generated in the .csv format.

BIR Extract

This extract method is generated to comply with the requirements of Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), a government agency for e-invoicing system (EIS) in Philippines.

The extract includes all the final tax invoices generated on a business day for a specific date or date range. However, the corrected and void tax invoices can also be included in the extract when the additional parameter (DSJSTP) is enabled on the Databridge Partner Jobs screen.

The extracted file includes :
  • The revenue posting of each tax invoice summarized by the transaction codes.
  • The transactions of the tax invoice are grouped, based on the tax invoice numbers.
  • The tax invoices are sorted based on the tax invoice numbers.
  • The extract lines within the invoice groupings are grouped by the transaction code.
  • The transactions with the transaction code groupings are sorted based on the description.
  • The Package Summary for the Packages.
  • The service charge and local taxes in the revenue transaction line.
Note: The extract excludes Transaction codes with Revenue Type set to None, foc_offset set to +, and payments.
You can create an Additional End of Day process to generate this extract for each day. The extracted file is generated in the .csv format and the default template of the file name is ‘[EISno]_[CAS]_[Company Name]_[Branch Code]_YYMMDD_HHMMSS.csv’.
  • The value of EISno is retrieved from the FISCALID property parameter.
  • By default, the value of Branch Code is LPMN.

Official Receipt Register

This extract method is used to generate a file that can comply with the requirements of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) in Philippines. The extract includes consolidated data of the year.

The details of all the final, corrected, and void tax invoices created in HMS are included. You must enable the additional parameter (DSJSTP) on the Databridge Partner Jobs screen to include the corrected and void tax invoices. The tax invoices are alphabetically sorted by the Customer Name (Payer Name).

The extracted file is generated in the .csv format and the default template of the file name is ‘OR Register_YYYYMMDD.csv’. For example, OR Register_20230907.csv

This extract can be generated monthly or annually.

Output Tax Alphalist

This extract method is used to generate a file that can comply with the requirements of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) in Philippines.

This file includes all the tax invoices and credit notes issued to all the payers for a specific date range. The extract displays the list of companies/payers in an alphabetical order. This extract is generated once in a month.

The extracted file is generated in the .csv format and the default template of the file name is ‘Output_Tax_Alphalist_YYYYMMDD.csv’. For example, Output_Tax_Alphalist_20230907.csv