Generating the PDB extract

The PDB extract job is set up by defining the data in the databridge cross reference mapping for the PDB partner.

The extract is generated for each day specified in the date range using the PDB extract screen.

For example, if the date range is set to 3 days, 3 set of files are generated for each of the 3 days. However, the closing Hotel Date is used for the EOD version of the PDB extract.

To generate the PDB extract:

  1. Select Administration > Extracts > PDB Extract.
  2. Select the property for which the extract is generated.
    Note: You can modify this value.
  3. Specify the date range in the Extract Details section. The Beginning Date and Ending Date must be prior to the current Hotel Date.
    • The date range must not exceed 7 days.
    • By default, the Beginning Date and the Ending Date are set to a date prior to the Hotel Date.
  4. Click Create Extract. The application prompts you to confirm the initiation of the extract.
  5. Click Yes.