Interface Receipt
Use the Interface Receipt screen to generate a
special receipt and send it to the Fiskaltrust Interface.
You can also use the screen to re-print previously generated special receipts or invoices. The generated report includes information based on the selected special receipt type. These are the Special Receipt types:
- Zero Receipt Report: Use this receipt type to test connectivity with Fiskaltrust. The report includes a QR-code if Fiskaltrust connection is working.
- Collective Failure Report: This report includes the QR-code with data of invoices that had to be resent because of connection failure.
- Period Closure Receipt Report: This report includes three types of Period
Closure Reports. The Period Closure Reports are:
- Daily Receipt Report
- Monthly Receipt Report
- Yearly Receipt Report
The EOD process generates the daily report, Daily Receipt Report, and the Monthly Receipt Report at the end of each month and the Yearly Receipt Report at the end of each year. All the reports include QR-code of the receipt.
- Start Receipt Report: Use this receipt type to start the hotel’s business or to start the Fiskaltrust integration. The report includes a QR-code. When required, the report is reviewed by the tax auditors.
- Stop Receipt Report - This report is generated when the hotel is closed permanently. For security purpose, only Support staffs can use this functionality. The report includes a QR-code. When required, the report is reviewed by the tax auditors.
The application generates these reports in the PDF format and saves them in the location specified in the REPORTSAVELOCATION property parameter for Special Receipts and TAXPLC property parameter for Tax Invoices, respectively.