Invoice numbering
Each property can set up invoice numbering at different level of detail and must use at
least a payment invoice number. You can specify a more detailed invoice number seed for non-vat
invoices, cancel/void and credit notices and if any one is not specified, the payment invoice
numbering is used by the system. If only an A/R payment number sequence is specified and no
other sequence is specified for the rest of the A/R invoices, the A/R payment numbering is used
by the system for all other invoices. You can specify a separate numbering for advance deposit
payments which is also used for advance deposit refund/credit notice in case no sequence number
is specified for advance deposit refund/credit notice. Generally, you must set a payment and a
non-vat number at a minimum. Each invoice can have a character prefix which is used along with
the numbering scheme. The prefix must not be specified if the invoice type does not have
separate sequence number, as the prefix is not used if the sequence number is
Tax Invoice Type | Used when not specified |
Advanced Deposit Tax Invoice | To be implemented in future releases. |
Advanced Deposit Credit Note | To be implemented in future releases. |
Advanced Deposit Cancel/Void | To be implemented in future releases. |
A/R Credit Note | Cancel/Void |
A/R Non-Vat Invoice | Non-Vat Receipt |
A/R Invoice | Payment |
A/R Direct Bill Transfer | Required |
A/R Cancel/Void | Required |
Non-Vat Invoice | Required |
Tax Invoice | Required |
Cancel/Void | Credit Note |
The Tax Invoice Prefix is the sequential Bill Number assigned to the Informational Tax Invoice (Document Provisoire) generated. This field is only enabled when the FRANCENF525COMPMODE Property Parameter is selected.
The fiscal interface in Peru requires prefixes for Credit Note sequence. The sequence for the Fiscal Receipt and the Fiscal Receipt Credit Note are displayed if the TAXINVATPAYMENT parameter is not selected and TCI is specified in the EINVOICINGPLATFORM parameter on the Property Configuration screen - Parameter tab.