Hotel statistics processing overview

Use the Hotel Statistics Processing page to generate and view hotel statistics event records which are the primary data mart for EzRMS extracts and revenue reports. You can also select a record and show errors, delete the record, and reprocess trial postings.

The page displays the following event information for each event that is generated:

  • Event Type
  • Event ID
  • Confirmation Number
  • Additional Key
  • Error
  • Status
  • Created On
  • Created By
  • Updated On
  • Updated By

You can click the Actions button and select one of the following options:

  • Show Error: Click to bring up the detailed error message in a popup.
  • Delete: Select one or more records, then use this option to delete the specified records.
  • Generate Events: Click to bring up the Generate Events popup.
  • Reprocess Trial Postings: Click to bring up the Reprocess Trial Postings popup.