Creating a DAFT Extract

Use the DAFT Extract screen to initiate the DAFT extract process. Also you can use the Additional End of Day Processes screen to initiate the DAFT extract process.

To create the Extract:

  1. Select Administration > Extracts > DAFT Extract.
  2. Specify this information in the Extract Details section
    FACT Extract Date
    The date for which you want to create the extract. The default value is Hotel Date-1.
    BOB Extract Date
    The extract start date and end date to create the extract. The default value for start date is Hotel Date and for end date it Hotel Date + 365
    Rate Extract Date
    The extract start date and end date to create the extract. The default value for start date is Hotel Date +1 and for end date it is till the last date of the next 6th month.
  3. Click Create Extract to start the extract process.
  4. Click Clear to set the default values.
  5. Select Administration > Daily Processing > Additional End of Day Processes.
  6. Specify this information:
    Process Type
    The Other Processes.
    Process Link
    The code DAFTEXP.
    Set the status to Active.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Run EOD to test the extraction or launch the process selecting Administration > Extracts > DAFT Extract.
    Note: If you use this menu path to start the extract process, you must first run an EOD to see the Additional EOD process of Owner Relations in the list on the End of Day Processingscreen.