Generating the folio report for Japan

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Guest Stay > Folio Japan. The Folio Japan screen is displayed.
    Note: Alternatively, you can generate this report using the Print option on the Folio tab, Folio window, Check Out, Stay 360 and Guest Stay screens.
  2. Specify this information in the Report Parameters section:
    The property for which the report is generated.
    Note: By default, the value is set to the session property.
    The code of the account for which the report is generated.
    Confirmation Number
    The unique confirmation number of the guest for which the report is generated.
    Note: You must specify Account or Confirmation Number to print records in the report.
    Invoice Recipient
    The person to whom the report is sent. Available options:
    • AR
    • BA1
    • BA2
    • GROUP
    • GUEST
    • House Account
    • Lease
    • Organization
    • By default, the value is set to GUEST.
    • When the invoice recipient is set to GUEST, the value of Company field on the Guest section of the Guest Stay screen is displayed in the report.
    • The report includes the address details based on the selected recipient.
    • The report includes Remit Line, Payment Terms and Signature when the recipient is AR.
    The code of the folios for which the report is printed.
    • By default, the value is set to GUEST.
    • You can select multiple values.
    Direct Bill Records
    The reference number of the folio with direct bill payment to be included in the report.
    Note: You can also select multiple values to be displayed in the report.
  3. Set the parameters in the Report Options section:
    Use Transfer Comments
    Select this check box to include transfer comments specific to the folio.
    Include A/R Payments
    Select this check box to include A/R Payments and calculate the payment totals.
    Indicate Deducted Consumption Tax
    Select this check box to view an asterisk symbol in the folio detail section when the tax percentage of the taxable amount is same as the tax percentage is defined in the Property Tax Percent field. The report also displays a custom text line before the folio terms in the last page of the report.
    Note: The custom text line is not displayed when there are no records with deducted consumption tax.
    Include POS Details
    Select this check box to include the POS charges in the report.
  4. Specify the Start Date and End Date in the Date Range section.
    Note: The records are considered based on the Post Date of the folio charge. When the Post Date is same as or within the specified period, the records are included in the report.
  5. Click Print Report.