Generating the Credit Card Authorization Report

Use the Credit Card Authorizations screen to view the credit card authorization data of the guests, for a specified date range.

The report also displays the record details with regards to the guest account, room, and card details corresponding to the specified selection. The report also applies Incognito enhancement. See Incognito Functionality

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Accounts > Credit Card Authorization.
  2. Specify this information in the Report Parameters section:
    Specify the property . The application populates this field with the default property name.
    Card Type
    Specify the credit card type based on which the report is displayed.
    Created By
    Specify the user who receives the credit card authorization data from the guest. The report is filtered based on this value.
    Authorization Type
    Specify the authorization type based on which the report is displayed.
  3. Specify this information, in the Report Options section:
    Show Sub-Totals
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays the Total amount that includes Sales records with the Authorization Type set to Settlement type.
    • If the Sort by option is Card, the report displays the Card Type total and Grand total.
    • If the Sort by option is Account Name, the report displays only the Grand total.
    • The report also displays these detail type:
      • Refunds: The amount is negative in value.
      • Sales: The amount is positive in value.
      • Net: The total sales records amount.
    • The Sub-Totals exclude Pending or Declined status in the report.
    Summarize by Reference Code
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays the one line for each Reference Code that includes the Authorization Type like Original or Settlement in the specified date range.
    • If the Authorization Type is Original, the report displays the same amount.
    • If the Authorization Type is Settlement, the report displays the total amount authorized for that Reference Number for all the dates.
    • If the Authorization Type is Incremental, the report displays the total amount authorized for that Reference Number for all the dates.

      If the Authorization Type is Reversal, the report displays the total amount authorized for that Reference Number for all the dates.

  4. Specify the Start Date and the End Date for which the report is generated.

    By default, Start Date and End Date are set to the Hotel Date.

  5. Click Print. The application displays the report for the records with the authorization date, and status in the specified date range.
    • By default, the report is sorted by Account Name. However, you can also sort the report using Card Type and Authorization Status.
    • If the report is sorted by the Authorization Status, the report only includes the records with the Approved status.