Generating the Non-Room Item Inventory Guest Stay Report

Use this screen to review the inventory of the non-room items for the guest stay. The guest stay section is grouped by the Room Number.

To generate the Non-Room Item Inventory Guest Stay Report:

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Front Desk > Add On/Non Room Item > Non-Room Item Inventory Guest Stay Report.
  2. Specify this information in the Report Parameters section:
    The property code for which the report is generated. This value is defaulted with the session property.

    You can modify the value.

    Non Room items
    The non-room items code added to the package plans of the guest stay.

    You can select multiple non-room items.

    The department responsible for the non-room item.

    The department responsible for the non-room item.

  3. Select the Show Comments check box in the Report Options section to include the comments associated with the non-room items.
  4. Specify the Start Date and End Date in the Date Range section.
    Note: By default, the Start Date and End Date are set to the Hotel Date.
  5. Click Print.
    • You can filter the report by property, non-room items, and department.
    • If share accounts exist for a reservation, the information is retrieved from the share master/primary and included in the report.