Generating the NF525 Archive Extract (NF525)

Use this screen to initiate the NF525 Archive extract process.

To generate the NF525 Archive extract:

  1. Select Administration > Extracts > NF525 Archive Extract.
  2. Specify the date range for which the extract is generated in the Extract Details section.
    • By default, the Start Date and the End Date are set to a day prior to the Hotel Date.
    • The Start Date and End Date must be prior to the Hotel Date.
    • The End Date must be later than or same as the Start Date.
    • By default, the Tax Invoices, Duplicates, Grand Total Ticket, Grand Total Period and the Event Log check boxes are selected.
  3. Click Create Extract.
    Note: If the FranceNF525CompMode property parameter is selected on the Parameter screen, the application creates a record in the Event Log for Manual Start of Archiving with Event Code 280.
  4. Click Clear to reset the specified values.
  5. Refresh the screen to view the Process Status for the created extracts in the Process Details section.
  6. Review this information in the Process Details section:
    Process Status
    The status of the extract.
    The Hotel Date and time, when the extract process is initiated.
    The user, who creates the extract.
  7. Click Run, when the Process Status field value is Complete.
    Note: The application displays the extracts created on the server and additional files that secure the accuracy of the content.
  8. Select Start Download. The selected extract is All selected files are downloaded to the local machine