Generating the NF525 Archive Extract (NF525)
Use this screen to initiate the NF525 Archive extract process.
To generate the NF525 Archive extract:
- Select Administration > Extracts > NF525 Archive Extract.
Specify the date range for which the extract is generated in the Extract
Details section.
- By default, the Start Date and the End Date are set to a day prior to the Hotel Date.
- The Start Date and End Date must be prior to the Hotel Date.
- The End Date must be later than or same as the Start Date.
- By default, the Tax Invoices, Duplicates, Grand Total Ticket, Grand Total Period and the Event Log check boxes are selected.
Click Create Extract.
Note: If the FranceNF525CompMode property parameter is selected on the Parameter screen, the application creates a record in the Event Log for Manual Start of Archiving with Event Code 280.
- Click Clear to reset the specified values.
- Refresh the screen to view the Process Status for the created extracts in the Process Details section.
Review this information in the Process Details section:
- Process Status
- The status of the extract.
- Date/Time
- The Hotel Date and time, when the extract process is initiated.
- User
- The user, who creates the extract.
Click Run, when the Process Status field value is
Note: The application displays the extracts created on the server and additional files that secure the accuracy of the content.
- Select Start Download. The selected extract is All selected files are downloaded to the local machine