Generating Hotel Statistics Report

This report lists the hotel statistics for the specified date

To generate the report:

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Accounting > Hotel Statistics Report.
  2. Specify this information, in the Report Parameters section:
    The property to view the records of the booking agency.
    Output Format
    The format selected to print the report.
  3. Specify this information, in the Report Options section:
    Include House Accounts
    If this checkbox is selected, the report includes revenue from non-guest accounts. The REVENUE section displays the revenue earned from the components of the ACCOUNT COUNTS section. The components of the ACCOUNT COUNTS section are:
    • Reservations
    • Check Ins
    • Walk Ins
    • No Shows

    The revenue from the following sections are based on the parameter ACCOUNTTYPE which is set to GUEST:

    • Room Statistics
    • Guest Statistics
    • Account Counts

    However, when a field under one of ROOM STATISTICS, GUEST STATISTICS, ACCOUNT COUNTS sections is calculated or includes a field from the Revenue section, the field is not excluded from the REVENUE section.

    Report Revenue as Net
    If this checkbox is selected, the revenue calculations are based on the net amounts.
    Include Day Use in Averages
    If this checkbox is selected, the Day Use Rooms are included in the calculations for these Average columns:
    • Average Rate / Room
    • Average Rate / Room excluding Complimentary
    • Average Rate / Room excluding House Use
    • Average Rate / Room excluding Complimentary and House Use
    • Average Revenue / Room
    • Average Revenue / Room excluding Comps
    • Average Revenue / Room excluding House Use
    • Average Revenue / Room excluding Complimentary and House Use
    Group By Building
    If this checkbox is selected, the report includes information related to building, wing and floor. The report is grouped by the building code and includes the associated Reservation data.
    • The report is categorized based on the building defined at the Room Type level.
    • If the rooms have no building assigned, ‘No Building’ text is displayed in the report.
    Include No-Shows in Revenue
    Select this check box to include the revenue of no-show reservations in the total revenue.
    Include No-Show in Rooms Sold
    Select this check box to include the no-show reservations in occupancy statistics, guest totals and Account counts.
  4. Specify the date range for which you want to generate the hotel statistics. The default value is Hotel Date less one day.
  5. Click Print Record.