Generating advance deposit due report
- Select Administration > Reports > Guest stay > Advance Deposit Due Report.
Specify this information in the Report
- Property
- The property for which the report is generated. The
application defaults the value.Note: You can modify this value.
- Date Context
- The date referred to generate the report. The available
options are:
- Due Date: Indicates the date the amount is to be paid.
- Arrival Date: Indicates the arrival date of the guest reservation.
Note: By default, the value is set to Due Date.
Set this parameter in the Report Option section:
- External Advance Deposit Only
- Select this check box to include the advance deposit that was partially received from an external organization.
- Only Include Reservations with Deposit Declined
- Select this check box to include guest stay reservations for which the Deposit Declined check box on the Guest Stay screen is enabled.
Specify the Start Date and
End Date in the Date Range
section. The report includes records based on the Date Context which are within the specified Date Range.
Note: By default, the value is set to the current Hotel date. However, you can modify the value.
Click Print.
Note: You can sort the records based on Confirmation Number, Name, Deposit Due Date, and Arrival Date. By default, the value is set to Deposit Due Date. However, you can modify the option.