Guest profile account
The account record for the guest profile is created by the system when an activity is added to the guest profile for the first time, or when you create the account from the Guest Profile record view page.
The following important points must be noted about the guest profile accounts:
- Accounts are always by property. The system assumes it is the session property when you select the button.
- Activities and non-room items are always by property. The system assumes it is the session property when the user manages activities or non-room items on a Guest Profile.
- You can add folio and auto transfer rules to the Guest Profile. The system assumes it is the session property for which you want to make the change.
- A guest profile can have one account per property.
- The Start Date is the hotel date on which the account is created.
- TheEnd Date is blank. You can change the end date.
- On the Account page, the Profile Id is used as the Reference Identifier .