Generating the Comp Expense by Authorizer Report

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Comp Account > Comp Expense by Authorizer. The Comp Expense by Authorizer screen is displayed.
  2. Specify this information in the Report Parameter section:
    The code of the property for which the report is printed.
    Note: The application defaults this value. However, you can modify the value.
    property .
    Group By
    The options to group the records. Available options:
    • Transaction Code
    • Transaction Department
    • Revenue Type
    Comp Department
    The code of the department that allows comp transaction.
    Note: You can select multiple values.
    Comp Authorizer
    The code of the user who is permitted to authorize comps.
    Note: You can select multiple values.
    Authorization Code
    The authorization code associated with the comp authorizer.
    Comp Department
    The comp department associated with the authorizer. The report includes the records related to the selected department.
    Note: You can select multiple values in this field.
    Comp Authorizer
    The user who is authorized to apply comps.
    Note: You can select multiple values in this field.
  3. Set the parameters in the Report Options section:
    Print Details
    Select this check box to print the report in detailed format.
    Note: By default, the summary of the records based on the Transaction is displayed.
  4. Specify the Start Date and the End Date in the Date Range section.
  5. Click Print.