Creating comp templates

Use the Comp Templates page to configure a standard set of comp transactions that can be applied to guest stays automatically by the system. When a template is linked to a guest stay, the system automatically comps the specified charges based on the comp template as the charges are posted to the guest folio.

Each template can contain a different set of comp transaction codes and rules, based on the intended purpose of the template. For example, a template for casino players who spend lot of money can contain more types of comp transactions and higher comp amounts, than a template for more casual players. The menu path specified below is just an example. You must add the screen to the menu.

To create comp templates:

  1. Select Administration > Property > Comp Accounting > Comp Templates.
  2. Click New Record.
  3. Specify the information that you need. See additional details about the fields below.
    Comp Template Code
    The code of the comp template.
    Comp template Name
    The name of the comp template.
    Central Non Room Item
    The item code saved as a billing profile on the reservation template in HMS central. The item created using the Global codes screen can be associated with the centralized item.
    From Date
    Specify the date from which the template is applicable.
    To Date
    Specify the date until which the template is applicable.
    Max Comp Amount
    The maximum amount that can be comped for the template.
    Max Quantity
    The maximum quantity of the comp items that can be comped by the system.
    • This field is cleared if the Max Comp Amount field is specified or populated.
    • If the Offer ID is specified by the user or populated by the system and the Install Parameter CMSPRTNR is set to Caesars, this field is enabled and optional.
    Admin Comp Type
    The player or non-player related comp, initiated by a user with administrator role. The possible values are:
    • Administrative Comp
    • Executive Comp
    • Non-Decrementing Player Comp
    • Service Recovery Comp
    The comp type for the related comp department. Possible values:
    • Administrative Comp- A comp type initiated by a manager when treating employees or vendors to a meal or other services.
    • Executive Comp- The comp type that is similar to Admin Comp but with a different accounting process in the accounting system. Therefore, this comp type is categorized as a separate entity.
    • Non-Decrementing Comp- A player related comp type that requires a player number. The comp amount information is sent to the comp accounting system for reference only. The player’s total reward balance is not decremented.
    • Service Recovery Comp- This comp type can be related to a player or a non-player and is used when a manager wants to compensate for a service issue reported by a customer. For example, a manager can decide to comp a meal if the guest had a bad experience in the restaurant.
    When configuring a comp template (billing profile) to avail a complimentary service, the application must process the comp charging method.
    • The folio comp configuration record is not added automatically, when the billing profile is part of a reservation template.
    • You cannot add a Admin Comp Type value for an existing Offer ID.
    Max Nights Allowed
    Specify the maximum number of nights for which the system can comp the charges based on the template.
    Tax Rule
    Specify the tax rule based on which are charges are comped by the system.
    Allow Comps on Departure Date
    If this check box is selected, the application checks the Folio Comp Configuration records. When the posting date is same as the Departure date and the End Date the comp is voided.
    Comp Redemption Type
    The redemption type assigned to the associated comp template. The redemption type can be set to:
    • Per Day Amount
    • Per stay Amount
    • Single Use Comp
    • Unlimited Comp
    Set the status to Active to use the template.
    Authorization code
    The default code related to comp authorization.
    Player Bank
    The bank to which the comps are charged. The Casino Players Bank (code type CPBANK) is defined on the Global Codes screen.
    Note: You cannot select Player Bank along with Offer ID and Admin Comp Type.
    Prize Code
    The prize code of the comp is associated with the comp template. The Prize Code (CMPPRZ) is defined on the Global Codes screen.
    Note: You must specify the Prize Code if the install parameter is set to INTLGAMETECH and the Player Bank is specified.
    Comp Authorizer
    The name of the active comp authorizer related to theAuthorization code.
  4. Click Save Record to add the record.
    • When the user selects a comp template and the install parameter CMSPRTNR is set to Caesar, the following fields are defaulted from the selected comp template:
      • Authorization Code
      • Max Comp Amount
      • Max Quantity
      • Comp Redemption Type
    • You cannot modify these values.
    • If you specify a value in the Revenue Type field on the Excluded Revenue Types tab, the specified revenue types are excluded for a selected POS charge from comping.