Excluding roles in bulk

Roles are assigned to the users, that can generate violations when the extracted data from an ERP application is analyzed against the rules. You can exclude all such roles in bulk to reduce the business risks.

To exclude roles in bulk:

  1. Select Design > Business Controls > Bulk Exclusion on the navigation bar.
  2. Click Add, in the Exclusions section, to exclude objects.
  3. Select Roles from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the appropriate option to add users as exclusions. Possible values:
    • Browse

      Click the Look up option in the Roles field to select the roles to be excluded.

    • Import (.csv)
      Select a CSV file that includes all the roles to be excluded. Click Upload. All the roles imported from the CSV file are displayed in separate rows. The CSV file must have:
      • Roles listed in separate rows.
      • The expiry date of all the roles at the end of each row. The expiry date for the roles must be in the mm/dd/yy format.
        User Name Expiry Date
        Rule Book Owner 12/19/2019
        General User 12/20/2018
        Provision Approver 12/21/2018
      Note: Expired roles uploaded through the CSV file, are not displayed in the Excluded Objects list.
  5. Click Add. The selected role names are displayed at the bottom of the Bulk Exclusion page.
  6. Click the Valid To date to select a different expiry date from the calendar or retain as Never Expires. Select the Apply to All check box to set the same expiry date for all the excluded roles.