Creating a User Creation provision

To create a User Creation provision:

  1. Select Manage > Provisions on the navigation bar and click New to select User Creation. The New User Creation page is displayed.
    Note: Alternately, you can also click the arrow option to review the violations generated by a provision and perform an action, if required. See, Reviewing details of a provision.
  2. Specify the information in the User Detail section. See, User Details.
  3. Click Next. Specify information in the Additional Attributes section. See, Additional attributes.
  4. Click Next. Specify the information in the Roles tab. See, Role Assignments.
  5. Click Next. Specify information in the Email Settings section. See, Email settings.
  6. Click Next. Select one of these Writeback Schedule options:
    • Now: Select this option to perform the application writeback after the completion of the approval process.
    • Later: Select this option to schedule the application writeback at a future date and time or the approval date and time, whichever is later. Click Add.

    This tab also displays the list of users with the writeback details.

    Note:  The Schedule Later option is enabled only if the Completion of Provision in the corresponding Approval Process Template is set to Automatic.
  7. Click Next. The Summary tab displays a summary of the provision.
  8. Click Save to display this provision on the Provisions page.
    Note:  You can simultaneously create five user accounts using one provision.