
Use this tab to review the basic details of the review assigned to the selected reviewer.

You can review this information:
Note: The information listed on this page is displayed by default. To review additional information, click More (…) > Displayed Columns option and select the required data that must be displayed.
Review Name
The name of the review.
Process Name
The name of the process for which the review is generated.
Review Type
The type of review. Possible values:
  • User/Role
  • Role/User
The current stage in the review process.
Start Date
The date and the time when the review is initiated.

You can also use this page to:

  • Reassign reviews to other reviewers, using the Assign option.

    Reviews can be reassigned in one of these scenarios:

    • Reviews must be redistributed among reviewers
    • The assigned reviewer is out of the office
    • The assigned reviewer has left the organization
    Note: This option is enabled only when you select at least one review to reassign.
  • Review specific data, using the Filter option.
  • Select the columns to be displayed, using the More (…) > Displayed Columns option.
  • Switch to the default view, using the More (…) > Reset Columns option.