Scope Definition

Use this section to define the scope of the functional area. Based on the scopes defined, job positions are routed to the appropriate approvers.

Click Scope Definition and click the first level of the defined hierarchy that is displayed by default.

Note: If the hierarchy contains only one level,the Leaf Node field is displayed. You can select an existing leaf node or create a new. When using an existing leaf node, you can only modify the approvers, if required.

Specify this information:

Scope Display Name
A unique name for the scope.
Functional Area Variable
The variable for the functional area. Functional Area Variables are attributes for the selected object. Select an existing functional area variable. See, Functional Area Variable for details.
The Infor GRC object for which the functional area is created. This field is displayed by default, based on the functional area variable selected.
Note: The Object value changes based on Insight selected.

Click the Lookup option to select values for the specified functional area variable.

Select Approvers and click Add. The values and the approvers are listed below.
Note: This field is displayed only when adding scope for the leaf node level.

You can click Save as Draft to save a draft version of the Functional Area or click Next to move to the Analysis Scope tab.