
Use this tab to review all the processes for which the logged in user is assigned the role of the Sign-Off owner. An email notification is sent to the Sign-Off owner when processes are assigned for a sign-off.

You can review this information:

Note: The information listed on this page is displayed by default. To review additional information, click More (…) > Displayed Columns option and select the required data that must be displayed.
Process Name
The name of the process.
The name of the Insight for which the process is created.
Certification Type
The type of the certification process. Possible values:
  • Role/User Review
  • User/Role Review
Start Date
The date and time when the process was initiated.
Reviews Completed On
The date on which the review process was completed.
Data Source
The name of the data source associated with the process.
You can Sign-Off a process.
Click Sign-Offs corresponding to a process.

The process undergoes the deprovisioning actions set on the Review Process template.

Note: An automated email is sent to the users assigned to Certification Manager Administrator role, if users or roles are denied when signing off a process. The email notification includes a link that navigates to the Download page in the application. You can use this page to download and review the Certification Manager Denied Roles Report listed in the Task Type column. The report includes details of the denied roles or users.

Reviews of the signed-off processes are displayed on the History tab of the assigned stage reviewers.

You can also use this page to:

  • Review specific data, using the Filter option.
  • Select the columns to be displayed, using the More (…) > Displayed Columns option.
  • Switch to the default view, using the More (…) > Reset Columns option.