Violation list
Use the Violations page to review the total count of violations generated. The violations are also segregated based on the rule priority. You can also use this page to review the violating objects and the related details.
To access this page, select
on the navigation bar.Note: To review the violations on this page, you must ensure
that an application instance is created for the live streaming of the extracted ERP data
and an analysis task is performed on the extracted data. Users accessing this page must
have permissions to access the application instances, the rule books or the rules
considered for the analysis.
You can also this page to:
- Review violation list. See, Violation list review
- Review specific violations using the Filters section. See, Setting violation filters.
- Display the details of the violations, using the arrow option corresponding to the Violating Objects column.
- Review violations grouped by violating object, rule book, or rules, using the Group By option. Click the Ungrouped View option to switch back to the default view.
- Mitigate violations, using the Violation Details page. option. This option is enabled only when at least one violation is selected. You can also mitigate a violation from the
- Assign violations to other Infor GRC users, using the option. This option is enabled only when at least one violation is selected. You can also assign violation from the Violation Details page.
- Discuss violations with other Infor GRC users, using the option. This option is enabled only when at least one violation is selected. You can also discuss violations from the Violation Details page.
- Add comments to violations, using the Violation Details page option. This option is enabled only when at least one violation is selected. You can also add comments to a violation from the
- Download violations, using the option. This option is enabled only when at least one violation is selected.
- Review specific data, using the option.
- Select the columns to be displayed, using the option.
- Switch to the default view, using the option.
- Download all violations, along with reasons, displayed on the Violations page, using option.