General Information

Use this section to provide the basic information of the schedule.

Specify this information:

Task Name
The name of the schedule.
The description of the schedule.
The name of the Insight for which the schedule is being created.
Questionnaire Template
The questionnaire template to assign. Click the Look up icon to browse and select the required template.
Enable Routing as per categories
The questionnaires to be assigned based on categories. Enable this option to select the assignees corresponding to the categories.
Apply Dimensions
The Functional Area Variable (FAV) to be associated to the questionnaire. Enable this option to select a FAV. The FAV selected must be a part of the leaf node when creating the FA. The questionnaire is assigned to the Reviewers associated with the selected FAV.
Note:  You must enable both the options to associate a Functional Area Variable based on the questionnaire categories.
The GRC user to whom the questionnaire must be assigned.
Note: This field is displayed only when the Enable Routing as per categories and the Apply Dimension options are not enabled.
Number of days to complete
The number of days for the assignee to respond.
Escalation Assignee
The GRC user to whom the questionnaire is assigned in case the assignee or the default assignee fails to respond.