Creating a Revoke Access provision

Use the Revoke Access provision to revoke permission assigned to a user or to revoke the existing roles assigned to a user.

To create a Revoke Access provision:

  1. Select Manage > Provisions on the navigation bar and click New to select Access Management. The Access Management page is displayed.
    Note: Alternately, you can also click the arrow option to review the violations generated by a provision and perform an action, if required. See, Reviewing details of a provision.
  2. Specify this information:
    The name of the Insight for which the provision is created.
    Primary Object
    The primary object analyzed in this provision.
    Note:  You can select User or Role as the primary object.
    The type of the Access Management provision created. Select Revoke Access Provision.
    Data Source
    The data source linked to the selected Insight.
    The name of the user whose permissions or roles are to be revoked.
    Accounting Entity
    The accounting entity that must be linked to the user.
    Additional information related to the provision, if any.
    Writeback Schedule
    The options to schedule an application writeback. Possible values:
    • Now: Select this option to perform the application writeback after the completion of the approval process.
    • Later: Select this option to schedule the application writeback at a future date and time or the approval date and time, which ever is later.
      Note:  The Schedule Later option is displayed only if the Completion of Provision in the corresponding Approval Process Template is set to Automatic.
    Additional Settings
    Specify this information:
    Email Settings
    The users who must be notified when the status of the provision changes.
    Note: You can modify the email notifications, settings only if the Override this option check box is selected on the Settings > Configurations > Access Management Insight > Provision Options section.
    Approval Stages
    The approval process template assigned to the provision and the status of the approval.
  3. Click Save to save the provision. The provision is displayed on the Provisions page.