Managing assessment responses

Users assigned to the Compliance Owner role can use this page to review the details of the response provided by the assignee and take appropriate action.

  1. Select Manage > Assessment Response Management on the navigation bar.
  2. Click the arrow corresponding to an assessment name with the Submitted status. The details page is displayed.
  3. Click the arrow corresponding to an assignee name. The page with the details of the responses is displayed.
  4. Review this information:
    Assignment Name
    The name of the assignment.
    The Insight for which the assignment is created.
    Questionnaire Template
    The questionnaire template used for the assignment.
    Last Updated By
    The username who last updated the assessment.
    Last Updated On
    The date and time when the assessment is updated.
    The questions included in the assessment and the response provided by the assignee. The questions are displayed in the same sequence as in the Questionnaire template.
    Note: Comments can be added when reviewing.
  5. Click Approve or Deny.
    Note: You can also use this page to create an incident for reviewing the response from the risk perspective. Enable the Create an incident option corresponding to the required question to create an incident. The incident is displayed on the Incidents Monitor > Incidents page.