Hierarchy Definition

You can use this tab to define the levels of hierarchy for Job Position.

You can use one of these option to define a hierarchy:
  • Use Existing: Select this option to use an existing hierarchy definition. Browse to select an existing hierarchy from the Hierarchy Definition field.
  • Create New: Select this option to create a new hierarchy definition. Specify a unique name for the hierarchy and define the levels for the new hierarchy. You must define at least one level or a maximum of five levels for the hierarchy. The last or the lowest level of the hierarchy is considered as a leaf node when defining the scope for the functional area.

    For example, if Level 1= Job Position, Level 2 = Location is defined as the hierarchy for a job position, then Location is considered as the Leaf Node when defining the scope.

You can click Save as Draft to save a draft version of the Functional Area or click Next to move to the Scope Definition tab.