Reviewing Risks

Use the Risks page to review the risks and take appropriate action.

  1. Select Monitor > Risk on the navigation bar.
  2. Click the arrow option corresponding to a risk ID. The details page is displayed.
  3. Review this information:
    Risk ID
    The identification number of the risk.
    Risk Name
    The name of the risk.
    The severity of the risk.
    The current status of the risk.
    Risk Score
    The intensity of the anticipated risk as evaluated in the incident.
    Financial Impact
    The impact of the risk on the financial situation of an organization.
    Operational Impact
    The impact of the risk on the operations of an organization.
    Reputational Impact
    The impact of the risk on the reputation of an organization.
    The probability of a risk related to the incident.
    The Insight for which the risk is created.
    Assessment Name
    The name of the assessment.
    Incident Reference
    The reference number of the incident based on which the risk has been raised.
    Last Updated By
    The name of the user who last updated the risk.
    Last Updated on
    The date and time at when the risk has been updated.
    The additional information on the risk, if any.

    You can use this page to:

    • Accept the risk without taking any action, using the Accept Risk option. See, Accepting a risk without performing an action
      Note: Risks can also be accepted from the Risk page.
    • Discuss the risk, for any additional information, using the Discuss option. See, Discussing a risk with other users
      Note: Risks can also be discussed from the Risk page.
    • Mitigate the risk by using the Mitigate Risk option. See, Mitigating a risk
      Note: Risks can also be mitigated from the Risk page.
    • Add additional information for the risk being reviewed, using the Comment option.