Questionnaire Template list

Use the Questionnaire Template page to review the list of existing templates.

To access this page, select Design > Compliance Control > Questionnaire Template on the navigation bar.

You can review this information:

Template Name
The name of the template.
The description of the template.
The Insight for which the template is created.
The type of template. Possible values:
  • Evaluation
  • Assessment
Created By
The user who created the template.
Created On
The date on which the template has been created.
The default setting of the template. Possible values:
  • Yes
  • No

You can also use this page to:

  • Add a new template.
  • Modify an existing template, using the arrow option corresponding to a template.
  • Delete template.
    Note: Risk Assessment tasks scheduled for a future date are disabled if the associated template is deleted. However, deletion of templates does not impact the completed Risk Assessment tasks.
  • Export the displayed data to Excel, using the Download Grid option.