Working with Questionnaire Templates

Use the Questionnaire Template page to create a template.

  1. Select Design > Compliance Control > Questionnaire Template on the navigation bar.
  2. Click Add to create a template. The New Template page is displayed.

    Alternately, click the arrow option corresponding to an existing questionnaire template to review or modify the template.

  3. Specify this information:
    Template Name
    The name of the template.
    The description of the template.
    The Insight for which the template is created.
    Template Type
    The type of template created. Possible values:
    • Evaluation
    • Assessment
    Copy Template From
    The details of an existing template that must be copied to the new template.
    Question Set
    The categories under which the questions must be included. Expand the category and click Add Question. The Add Question screen displays all the questions, created for the specified insight, in the question library. Select the required questions and click Add.
    The preview of the questions in the template.
  4. Click Save.
    Note: A Risk Assessment task can be scheduled to assign the questionnaire to the appropriate assignees.